~{3. Basic Fundamentals}~

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Ever since dawn of time, both humans and yokai have co-existed within the vast world with the sole principle that their existence and roles were nothing more than that of prey and predators, to a point that it could be considered as a way of life even in today's day and age. However, with time, things began to change as new yokai variants began to make way into the world and into the minds of many. Some of these yokai were the kappas, believed to be known best for drowning unsuspecting victims by dragging them down into the dark depths of lakes, or tengu, who were often considered to be culprits behind children being kidnapped and igniting chaos within human settlements. But not all yokai were known for their foul deeds. One such example was the shikigami, a type of spirit that often took form of a mystical spiritual animal that devotes its existence to serving those that summon it into existence. As such, a shikigami is well known for its capability to preform mundane tasks such as cleaning, washing and shopping but that's a far cry from where a shikigami's full extent truly lies as shikigami are also known, albeit to a much lesser degree, to protect their master with their own lives, manipulate energy and shape shift into various different creatures, humans included. At a first glance, all of this may sound promising but in order for a shikigami to have the potential to perform these sorts of tasks, they are more often than not required to devote themselves to training and discipline for years on end before reaching such desired outcomes. A harsh reality that had always remained true no matter the training regiment, no matter the method of discipline and most importantly, no matter the shikigami.

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"Focus, Y/N!" The nine tailed kitsune sternly scolded the young monkey tailed shikigami, his eyes half closed as he dozed off, soon snapping out of his drowsiness and quickly straightening up to be met with the unsatisfied look of his master as the pair stood near the entrance to one of the many forests that inhabited Gensokyo. "I-I'm awake!" The sarugami stammered, rapidly adjusting his stare around the forest that surrounded them before finally honing it towards his master, who couldn't help but let out a sigh in response as she pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes to think for a moment. "Have you heard a single word of what I had said just now?" The nine tailed fox asked, lightly loosening her expression as she finally let go of the bridge of her nose all the while looking down at the sarugami who was somewhat lost in his head, trying to remain awake albeit with little effort in part to his disinterest in what his master had to say.

"Huh... O-Oh right! Something about the yokais and the humans... And about uhh... How shikigami can do anything yokai can but better...?" The young sarugami shikigami responded, scratching the back of his head as he gave his answer with an uncertain tone of voice, crossing his fingers as he did so in hopes that in the very least, he might get some partial credit for his effort, but his answer was met with an unsatisfied gaze from his master.

"I suppose that answers my question... There are certain principles a fledging shikigami must follow when beginning their training and it all starts with loyalty and devotion. A shikigami must show their growing attachment to their master. All shikigami must learn of their basic capabilities as to show their basic worth through preforming basic tasks that even humans could perform on a day to day basis and most importantly, a shikigami needs to carry it all out with an acceptable level of quality. I believe I told you this more than enough times now." His master clarified whilst giving her shikigami a look of doubt, almost as if she was having trouble making the connection between her example and the young shikigami's past progress.

"And you have shown to have slowly come around to meeting these goals, rendering your initial training complete." The boy's master resumed, finally turning away from her young shikigami, being unable to bring herself to believe what she had just uttered and within this moment of silence, the young shikigami was quick to finally add a word of his own. "So, this mean that my real training is now starting, right?!" His fading attention quickly renewing itself as he spoke out with enthusiasm all the while jolting up with his monkey tail wiggling around behind him.

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