~{6. Mansion of Scarlet}~

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"Do I really have to wear this?" The sarugami complained, tugging at the collar of his formal attire, one which he hadn't touched ever since he began wearing his gi for the first time weeks ago, but his whining was only met with an exhausted look from his master.

"Maintaining a good public appearance is a key etiquette to follow under certain situations so I expect you to be on your best behaviour." The kitsune responded, staring directly at the sarugami from the corner of her eye with the bakeneko following behind her with a mocking smirk, almost as if what their master said didn't apply to her.

"Now, now, Ran. Our visit is only going to be brief. Having them behave won't be necessary." The gap youkai joined in, adding some words of her own that caused her shikigami to look back, unsure as to what to respond with before giving in with a slight nod. "As you wish, Yukari-Sama." The shikigami nodded as the four youkai carried on moving through the forest path, both of the young shikigami stayed behind their master, making faces at each other to taunt the other all the while the forest remained dead silent. No animal, or even insect could be heard, as though having fled from the area out of fear of something.

"Ah, here we are." The gap youkai smiled as both her and her shikigami stopped in tracks, resulting in both of the younger shikigami walking straight into their master, getting bounced back and straight to the ground by her nine tails.

"H-Hey, what gives..." The sarugami grumbled, rubbing his back as he stood back up, only for his voice to trail off as he stared past both his master and his master's master, being met with a massive mansion that stood before them, surrounded by a metal fence and a large gate with a woman standing by it, fast asleep. The front of the mansion was adored with various flower beds and bushes. Every single window in the mansion appeared to be lit up with small silhouettes flying back and forth.

"Woah... It's bigger than our home!" The young sarugami stared in awe with his jaw dropped, leaving his master to sigh, while the gap youkai gave off a small chuckle in response.

"Of course, it's larger than our own, the mansion of the vampire is quite fitting for one of her self imposed status. Isn't that right, Ran?" The gap youkai responded, looking back towards her own shikigami, who could only offer an agreed nod in response. "That it is, Yukari-Sama."

"Well... She certainly likes to put on a show for those lesser than her." The bakeneko smirked, folding her arms as she stared up at the mansion, clearly having been there before.

Without a word say, everyone but the sarugami would make their way past the open gate while the sarugami was left gazing at the mansion for a little longer before finally noticing everyone had moved without him.

"Hey, wait up!" He called out, quickly running back towards his master.

--- Y/N Pov ---

Quickly catching up to where everyone else was, we walked past the sleeping woman without anyone making an effort of even noticing her outside of as I watched her from asides from me as we moved on through the open gate leading towards the front of the mansion and up to the somewhat oversized doors, where everyone stopped behind Yukari-Sama, and with a single knock on the door, she would lean back with a smile as the doors would modestly swing open, a silver haired woman wearing a blue maid dress standing on the other side, her face showing no emotions as she opened the door, and upon seeing us, she would simply bow her head.

"Welcome. Lady Remilia has been looking forward to your arrival. Please, come inside." The maid spoke, her tone of voice being quite monotone, looking back up towards Yukari-Sama, who didn't say so much so as a word as she silently walked past the maid. Instead, keeping a silent smile as she entered, leaving us to follow her into the mansion with me being that last one to enter but as soon as I took a single step into the mansion, the maid would take a step in front of me, blocking the path.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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