~{5. Rivals Alike}~

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"Now, how many times must I remind you not stray off?" The nine tailed fox youkai sighed in frustration, somewhat tired of having to go through the same song and dance with her shikigami who couldn't help but let out an awkward laugh as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry Ran-Sama... It won't happen again!" Y/N laughed nervously as the youkai stared down at him with a disappointed look plastered on her face, with his body covered in cuts and light bruises, his gi both drenched and slightly damaged, and most notably, the lower end of his left arm which appeared as though it were lightly burnt, something that his master took a particular note of as she aided to her shikigami's injuries.

"That's what you said each and every time... It seems no matter what I do, you always find ways to cause trouble." She sighed, bringing a hand to her chin. "A-Ah well you see-" Y/N quickly spoke up, only to be cut off.

"I suppose the fault lies with me... Regardless, I expect you to start following orders from tomorrow on, otherwise you'll be returning to learning the basics of being a shikigami from scratch." She warned, pointing towards her sarugami shikigami.

"Y-Yes Ran-Sama!" Y/N responded with a nod. "Now then, you should run along and get some rest, your training will begin early in the morning, I expect you to be ready by the time the sun rises." She added, moving her hands back into her somewhat oversized sleeves, her shikigami quickly nodding his head as he moved past her, heading off out the room.

"That arm... He's already catching on sooner than I expected..." She muttered to herself, watching as Y/N left the room, his footsteps echoing throughout the hall.

Moving back to the sarugami, the youkai would move through the halls, making his way to his room, only to be met by a familiar face, one of another shikigami, standing by the door.

"See, what did I tell ya? I told you those two weren't worth the effort, but you insisted on going after them, and look what happened." The shikigami spoke, a hint of smugness in her voice as she pointed to Y/N's patched up wounds, the other shikigami looking down at his body with a look of confusion before looking back up at the other shikigami. "So?" He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly, seemingly unsure as to what to respond with.

"You're really hopeless... But hey, who am I to judge, I'm sure you learnt a lot of with those two." The bakeneko responded, the sarcasm in her voice practically dripping as she shrugged with a smug look painted on her face.

"Yeah, I did!" The sarugami proudly declared, a wide smile on his face seemingly having not gotten the message as he folded his arms proudly.

"But that reminds me, aren't you friends with them? They mentioned you a couple of times." He asked, pointing a finger towards the bakeneko who seemed to visibly flinch as he mentioned that one single detail.

"Wha- No! Don't be ridiculous, as if I'd ever be friends with those two!" The bakeneko snapped, waving her hands frantically. "Huh... Well, they told me a whole other story..." The monkey tailed boy continued, pondering over what he heard up until now with his tail moving around slowly, almost in response to his growing curiosity, the bakeneko sweating bullets as she gave him an annoyed gaze before finally speaking up.

"Hey, you know what? I just remembered that I gotta do something for Ran-Sama so uh... I'll see ya later!" The bakeneko declared before scurrying away, leaving the sarugami alone in the hallway, confused.

"Uh, alright then?" The boy couldn't help but let out as he watched in confusion, before calling it a night and heading off to his room for a well earned rest.

As the night passed by, a new day would roll by in its place. "Chen, could you go wake up Y/N?" The nine tailed fox youkai requested from a young bakeneko who stood by her side. "I'm pretty sure he's already up." The twin tailed cat youkai responded in a less than optimistic voice, turning towards the dinner table just to be met with the sarugami being the first one seated.

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