~{4. The Weak Meet the Strongest}~

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"Alright, I think it's time we end it here." The calm and collected voice of the Nine tailed youkai spoke out, her shikigami collapsing to his knees in utter exhaustion. With a week gone by, his training had slowly progressed past the basic fundamentals, yet his results were not as stellar as one would have hoped. Regardless, He had the basics down, but making any progress in the other elements was a whole other tale.

"Can I... Have a moment... Ran-Sama?" the Kitsune's shikigami huffed, his face flushed as sweat dripped down his forehead as he watched his master with a hopeful look that was well covered by his tired expression all the while his master stood before him with a harsh stoic look that made it hard to expect a pleasant answer.

"Very well, you've earned a short break for having put in so much effort." His master relented, winding down her stone cold appearance ever so slightly but as quickly as her expression softened, it faded away into a cold neutral one.

"However, I have duties of my own to tend to, so I entrust you with returning home before dinner is ready now that you're more familiar with this part of the forest." The sarugamis master continued, the sternness in her voice sending shivers down his spine as his ears drooped and his tail curled ever so slightly, but he did not let it show too much. "Understood, Ran-Sama..." The Sarugami replied with a bow of his head and a slight tilt upwards as he kept his eyes on the ground as the sound of footsteps began to move away from him and into the depts of the forest's edge.

"Phew, finally..." The young sarugami sighed, letting himself fall backwards into the lush bed of green grass beneath him as his body finally got its chance to cool off from the day's training as his mind began to wind down after all the work he'd been put through.

"I wonder what's gonna be dinner tonight... Maybe fish? Or maybe even steak... Or maybe...?" He mused to himself with his mind beginning to drift off into a world of its own, knowing full well he'll eat whatever it may be. "I guess it'll just be a surprise, like everything else Ran-Sama cooks." He sighed to himself, his tails flicking a little but the calm silence wouldn't live for much longer as the sound of a branch snapping would ring out from behind, soon being followed by something bonking off the young monkey youkais head, causing him to flinch back to reality, his head slowly moving up to get an upside down view of what just struck him just to be met with a branch lying next to his head along with a dark twin tailed cat, laying lazily on one of the branches with one eye focused on the young shikigami whilst the other was closed shut.

"H-Hey, what gives?!" The sarugami growled silently, rubbing the back of his head as he rose up from the ground with his eyes locked onto the bakeneko.

"Oh nothing, just thought you needed a wakeup call, especially after that embarrassment you call training, it kinda surprises me Ran-Sama even bothered to start training you to begin with. If it were up to me, I'd label you a lost cause, but I can't say I didn't get a kick out of watching it happen." The bakeneko slyly responded, narrowing her cat open eye on her follow shikigami as she whispered the last part under her breath. "Well, I don't see you doing any training!" The Sarugami fired back, trying to come up with something from the top of his head but the insult would be far from effective.

"I wouldn't get worked up now if I were you because, unlike you, I have the perfect training routine." The bakeneko continued, the smug tone in her voice, only to leave the sarugami with a bemused look on his face as though it were an obvious lie. "I don't think chasing around mice or lazing around all day counts as training..." The monkey tailed shikigami would respond with a somewhat unamused look on his face.

"Wha- That's not what I mean! Besides, chasing mice around is good for agility, and I don't laze around, I meditate to keep my mind clear, something a certain someone needs to work on." The second youkai shot back, the smug tone in her voice, fading as it was replaced with an irritated one as she slowly got up from laying on the branch beneath.

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