~{2. A Bigger World Awaits}~

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It's been days since the interaction between the sarugami shikigami and his master's master had taken place and things hadn't changed in the slightest in the days that followed. The words spoken by the gap yokai had already faded into obscurity, though the impact of her words remained on the young sarugami who couldn't shake off the feeling that appeared that day. It was a hunger that couldn't be satisfied in any way he knew as it lingered on and seeped into his everyday life.

No matter what he did, where he'd go or what he'd say, nothing made that feeling go away and the sarugami soon gave up on trying to resolve it, ignoring that feeling all together as he went on with his everyday life as though nothing had changed as a new day had dawned over the Yakumo residence as things resumed as normal, especially for the two young shikigami who had more pressing matters to tend to.

"Come on, are you even trying at this point?" The bakeneko laughed as she watched her fellow shikigami wash the dishes to the best of his ability.

"I'm trying!" The sarugami snapped back, somewhat annoyed at having to work under such conditions all the while being laughed at.

The bakeneko flicked her tails playfully in response, her mischievous eyes gleaming with amusement. "Oh, it looks like you're doing a terrible job if you ask me." she teased, taking advantage of every waking moment of her victory as she laid back on a kitchen chair with relaxed look on her face, clearly unbothered by her fellow shikigami's poor efforts at cleaning.

"Well then why aren't you doing anything, huh?!" The sarugami asked, frustrated.

"I mean, why should I when you clearly need the experience to not suck at your job as much? Besides, I'm on break." The bakeneko said, smirking.

"What's that suppose to-" The sarugami was cut off by a door creaking open, causing him to turn scurry back to his duties now that the sound had caught the attention of both shikigami as they moved their attention to the door, knowing full well who was coming as their master entered with a calm expression on her face, her presence commanding the attention of the two shikigami as she glanced at the dishes being washed by sarugami, then at the bakeneko who quickly fixed her posture as she sat up straight on the chair, grabbing a paper towel off the table and began rubbing the surface of the table to appear as though she was doing something.

"I see you're both occupied with your duties, am I to assume it?" Their nine-tailed master asked as she direct her attention at the sarugami, and then at the bakenko, both of whom nodded in response which seemed to please their master.

"I see... I'm glad to see you both taking your responsibilities seriously." their master continued, her voice gentle yet authoritative. "Though, there is a request I have for the two of you." Their shikigami master added, her voice becoming slightly more serious which puzzled both of the shikigami as they listened closely to what their master may request with the duo exchanging curious glances, wondering what their master's request could be. They had grown accustomed to their daily duties, but a new request meant a potential change in their routine. Nevertheless, they remained attentive, waiting for their master to elaborate.

Their master took a moment to collect her thoughts, taking a deep breath before speaking. "I need you both to run an errand down in the human village." There was a brief moment of silence that followed before the nine tailed fox kitsune continued, something that neither shikigami could understand as they stared at their master with blank expressions. "Now, I know this may sound sudden, especially with Y/N's lack of knowledge regarding the world beyond the yakumo residence, but something had came up that requires my attention so, I expect you both to follow through and cooperate." Their nine tailed fox master explained, clearly as surprised by what she was saying as her shikigamis. The duo remained quiet, their expressions a mix of surprise and uncertainty as they looked at each other, unsure what to make of their master's request.

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