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~Precious's POV~

She had to act fast. She could tell that the parents were learning too quickly about her intentions, so she had to do SOMETHING to throw them off track. So, she figured she would try an age old tactic that always worked for her.

"Papa?" She peeked into office of the father. Upon hearing her, he quickly slammed down the top of the laptop and turned to face her.

"What do you want?"
"Can I talk to you?" 
"....sure, i guess."

She walked in and closed the door, walking over as the turned the chair around to face her.

"What's up?"
"its about my name. I heard you guys talking about it."

His face dropped. He knew what was up.

"Yea, Lilith."
"Is that my real name?"
"What do you mean?"
"I thought my name was Precious, not Lilith."
"How the hell do you not know your own name?"
"Well..All i do remember is just..waking up one day to someone telling me my name is Precious."

He looked shocked for a moment, looking away for a moment.

"what do you mean, just woke up?"

"Apparently I got hit really hard on the head, and it made me forget everything I knew before."

He looked back at her, his gaze almost scanning her. His eyes met hers, almost searching for any sign of dishonesty. Luckily for her, she had experience, and perfected this act to a tee. His expression turned to a pitiful one, like he for the first time genuinely felt bad for someone other than himself.

"...oh. I'm..sorry I thought you were lying to me."
"its ok, papa..I wish i knew more about myself so i could help you understand. I...I wish I could understand."
"I do believe you, though." 
He put a hand on her shoulder and looked away from her, like he was thinking of what next to say.

"Was that it?" His voice then turned gruff again, like he was wanting to get back to what he was doing before.

"Yes, papa."
"Ok can go."

She smiled and turned around, walking back to the door and leaving the office.

Precious, the perfect little girl (A Popopoka Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now