🎃 halloween special!

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october 2022.

i dressed up as queen elizabeth this year. iconic, i know.

it was my first time spending halloween with the fisher boys. and boy was it exciting. i was going to ask jeremiah to my school dance today, in person. i wanted it to be intimate and not extravagant so i didn't ask him with a poster being left at his doorstep like all the other girls that had asked him to their school dances. he'd already been asked to three other dances at three different schools, so this really wasn't something new to him. i knew i wasn't special, but liked to feel like i am. plus, i have several advantages that they don't ~

jeremiah had asked me previously if i'd be going trick-or-treating this year, as he wasn't planning on it. but after much persuasion, i finally convinced him to come with us. so after dinner we all stood outside on his front porch while our moms took our pictures and bid us on our way to start off our trick-or-treating adventure.

right off the bat we ran into his friends and i was scared he was going to leave us to go join them. i had a feeling that he'd do this, and that him spending all night with me was very unlikely. jeremiah had many friends, and sometimes i think they're more like brothers than him and conrad. jeremiah liked partying, so maybe he'd leave with them to crash some girl's party. but spoiler alert: he never left~

we continued up and down his neighborhood's streets walking and talked. he told me stories about the houses we were going to and the people that lived inside them. it was nice being with him all night.

later on in the night one of my little brothers got a bloody nose and i ran up to him to help it stop. while doing so i held both my brother's candy bag and mine while trying to make the blood stop. jeremiah immediately came up to me and told me he'd take the bags from me.... how sweet, the old jeremiah's back i thought.

even later in the night my brothers got tired and jeremiah carried both of them on his shoulders uphill all the way home. i was surprised at first, i can barley carry one! so i asked him "are you sure you can carry both of them?". he stopped walking for a sec looking offended before stepping forward again and then proceeding to tell me all about how he's been going to the gym more often and that this is like nothing compared to his lacrosse training.

as for his friends, we saw them a few more times that night. and every time they asked him to come with them, he declined and kept walking with us. it makes me smile to this day :)

when we got home we sat at the dinner table with his parents talking when i received a text from jeremiah. i looked up and saw him still looking down at his phone. 'do you wanna come to friend's party with me? they're the ones we saw out trick-or-treating?'

i was ecstatic. not once has jeremiah invited me to something with his friends. his mom always told me how much his friends meant to him, so being able to finally meet some of the most important people to him had gotta be a step up. after replying a short 'sure', i quickly excused myself from the table and walked to the bathroom.

i did not expect any of this to happen, which showed because i chose the most hideous outfit i could've possibly worn, ever. and there was NO way i was about to show up to his friend's party in my queen elizabeth get up. defeated, i decided the best i could do was fix my hair so i tied it into a lower bun (because i'm not like other wattpad girls) and made my way back into the kithchen, trying not to look too excited.

when i walked out jeremiah was there and asked if i was ready. we greeted out parents goodbye and then walked out their front door. after a few steps i stopped to look around me. the view was gorgeous. the live on top of a mountain right next to one of the state's biggest lakes and you could see all the lights of the city below. after a couple of seconds of walking, jeremiah must've noticed i wasn't by his side anymore and walked back towards me. "it's pretty right?" he asked me. we stood there for a moment before i turned back around and headed up the street for his friend's house. for a halloween night, oddly no one was in sight. it was just the two of us.

'this is your chance belly' 'just ask him now' it really would've been the most perfect time to ask jeremiah to my dance. my heart started racing and i took a second to mentally prepare myself for the words i was about to say. but before i could open my mouth i realized we'd already made it to his friend's front steps and jeremiah was opening the door infront of us.

we were immediately greeted by one of his friends and a girl i've never seen before. "hey man where you going?" jeremiah asked? "the party's over, and i've gotta take her home" his friend replied while gesturing towards the girl next to him. jeremiah was shocked and guided me down the stairs where we were met with only two other friends. "hey you came too late, everyone already went home." they said once they saw us.

to say i was disappointed was an understatement. i knew it was too good to be true. when he asked me to come, i was imagining the house full of people and us sitting on a couch together with a few of his friends while his arm somehow made it way over my shoulder in the middle of the conversation. i was devastated to realize my fantasy was never going to become my reality.

jeremiah invited them to his house instead and before i knew it we were back outside again walking towards jeremiah's house. expect, this time with his friends. we talked a bit and after what felt like forever we finally arrived back and decided to go downstairs for a mario kart competition. it was nice to see jeremiah in a different environment. he was with the people that made him the happiest.

after about only 2 rounds it was time for me to start heading home. when i told jeremiah he said he'd walk me up and paused the game leaving his friends behind. he ran up the stairs before me but before he could get to the top i called out to him.

"jeremiah!" he turned around a walked a few more stairs down so that we were on the same level. "what?" he answered looking at me. okay, now was my chance. "i have the dumbest question to ask you" oh my gosh why did i word it like that? "what is it?" he replied.


"will you go to saide's with me?" i said softly while closing my eyes and quietly banging my head on the wall next to me...... literally.

his face said it all. he looked stunned. too stunned to speak apparently because i had just left him speechless for about five whole seconds before he changed his facial expression and asked "saides?" my brain blanked and all i could make out was "yeah...". he thought for a second before asking me what day it was. once i replied he finally answered my question "um, yeah. i think i'm free that day. i'll ask my parents" he said scratching his neck. all i did next was say 'cool' and give him a thumbs up before running up the stairs behind him two at a time, tyring my best to make it up before him.

i tried my best to ignore him for the rest of the night, and when i left he had the most awkward hug of all hug history.

but at the end of the night, i couldn't help smiling because in just two weeks, jeremiah would be my date to saides.

a/n: not this chapter being like 2 months late lol. there's still more late chapters after this and i think they're super cute!

i'm going to "jeremiah's" house tomorrow so with me luck.... and hopefully something good happens so i can write about it. haha! i also might have a crush on jeremiah's arch nemesis! WHAT IS MY LIFE

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