"i crashed my car"

124 1 6

february 2023

in jenny han's 'to all the boys i've loved before book', lara jean crashed her car and she calls josh to come help here, but peter kavinsky ends up driving by before he can get there

i've always wanted a 'lara jean moment' like that in my life- and i finally got one.

one very dark night i was out with my friends and i ended up taking a left turn in a no-left-turn zone, hitting a median, and popping two of my tires.

after calling my parents of course, one of my friends suggested that i call jeremiah, see what he'd say. so i did.

when i finally gathered the courage to call him, he didn't pick up. we sat there eagerly, sitting in my car at the side of the road, hearing the phone ring and eventually get sent to voice mail. "i told you he wouldn't answer" i said. but deep down inside i wished he did. after the whole lunar new years thing, i was able to see a new side of jeremiah. a side that cares in a way i've never known, it would've been nice to know what he'd say. but he was at a party that night and he rarely even spares a glance at his phone when he's with his friends.

as all hope slowly lifted out of my body, my phone rang again and the name 'jeremiah' shined in the darkness.

i picked it up and he answered in a low and confused voice "hello?" he started. "hi" was absolutley all i could make out. "why did you call me?" i could hear his friends whispering in the background. "um i crashed my car and kind of just called you on accident, i don't even know why" i lied. i wanted him to show that he cared, to ask me where i am and what happened and walk me through what i should do next.

"did you tell your parents?" he asked next. "yeah. i really don't know why i called you." i lied again. haha. "oh okay" he replied. "i'm sorry" i apologized to fill in the silence. "hey no it's okay. are you okay?", finally- he's showing some emotion. "yeah i'm good. but i'm not so sure the car is though....". i expected him to scold me (he's very good at that), but instead his reply was sweet and straight to the point. "oh okay, i'm glad your sage and okay. hey belly? i have to go, but stay safe okay? bye."- i did not expect that... "bye" i quickly said before i hung up.

ever since our falling apart, jeremiah has never once picked up my calls. what made tonight so different? could it be that i confessed my undying love for him? unlikely. however if friends were in the background whispering or laughing anytime jeremiah said something... maybe the made him pick up? then that means they at least know of me.

no matter the reason, it felt nice to feel like he cared enough to call back. and in a way it somehow feels more meaningful, he took precious time away from his friends to talk me back after seeing a missed call from me.

maybe my confession was a good choice after all :)


i like to romanticize my life too much, but this was really fun to document and i can't believe it even happened.

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