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In an abandoned warehouse, Jason Todd, aka Robin, is on his knees, head bowed. His Robin suit is covered in blood and his domino mask is torn. He looks up only to be met with a hit to the face, falling to his side.

"Oh, that looked like it really hurt." Joker says, smiling evilly. He raises his crowbar and hits Robin 3 times. "Whoa, now, hang on. That looked like it hurt a lot more. So let's try to clear this up, kay, pumpkin?" Joker says, tapping the crowbar on his hand.

"So what hurts more? A?" *Hit and Groan* "Or B?" *Hit and Groan* "Forehand?" *Hit and Groan* "Or Backhand?" *Hit and Groan*.

Joker cackles, enjoying every minute of his playtime with Robin. Robin groans in pain, turning on his side and muttering something while looking at Joker. Joker lowers himself to Robin's level. "Oh, oh. A little louder lambchop. I think you may have a collapsed lung. That always impedes the oratory." Joker says, roughly petting Robin's hair.

Robin lifts his head and spits blood on the Jokers face. Joker is shocked at the action and then glares, grabbing Robin by the head and slamming his face into the ground. Joker gets up and scowls down at Robin. 

"Now that's rude, the first boy blunder had some manners

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"Now that's rude, the first boy blunder had some manners." Joker scolds, cleaning the spit of his face with a handkerchief. He looks down and sees Robin smirking at him. "I suppose I'm going to have to teach you a lesson so you can better follow in his footsteps." Joker says deadpan, he then gets an inquisitive look on his face. "Nah I'm just gonna keep beating you with this crowbar." He says smiling gleefully. He then steps on Robin's back laughing maniacally as he grunts in pain.

[Minutes Later]

The Warehouse door opens revealing Joker fixing his tie. "Okay, kiddo, I gotta go. It's been fun though, right?" He turns around and looks at the beaten Robin laying on the ground. "Well, maybe a smidge more fun for me than you. I'm just guessing since you're being awfully quiet." He smirks putting on his winter coat.

"Anyway be a good boy finish your homework and be in bed by 9. And hey...please tell the big man I said." He pulls the hood of the coat over his head grinning wildly at Robin. "Hello." He starts cackling closing the door behind  him. His laughing echoes through the warehouse as Robin opens his eyes, grunting in pain. He turns on his back and frees himself from his restraints, he gets up on trembling legs groaning in pain.

He takes a single step forward and falls to the ground, his entire body in pain from the Joker's beating. He lifts his head and looks determined towards the door and starts crawling, grunting and groaning in pain as he pushes his body passed it's limits.

He finally makes it to the door with a trail of his blood behind him. He gets on his kness and grabs on to the door handle pulling at it but to no avail. He stops after realising it's been locked and leans with his back to the door and takes in a ragged breath, closing his eyes.


Robin opens his confused hearing the tiking sound. He looks around then sees a bomb with a timer atop a crate. His eyes widen in shock looking at the timer counting from 10.

*TIK* 9

*TIK* 8

*TIK* 7

*TIK* 6

*TIK* 5

He stares at the bomb still in shock, then his expression turns impassive as he watches the timer hit zero and the bomb explodes.

He stares at the bomb still in shock, then his expression turns impassive as he watches the timer hit zero and the bomb explodes

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"I think that's enough fanfiction for one day." Rav says slightly disturbed, he closes his laptop and gets up from his chair. He stretches his back groaning in satisfaction at the feeling of his muscles relaxing. He picks up his phone from the charge and walks to the bathroom while scrolling through youtube shorts. He pockets his phone and takes a piss, once done he flushes the toilet and washes his hands at the basin.

"God, I look like shit." He says looking at the bags under his eyes in the mirror. He is a light skin man, with a clean shaven face, hazel coloured eyes and a short fade haircut, with the top of his hair dyed platinum blonde and the sides black. He splashes his face with water and then moves out of the bathroom towards his kitchen.

"Don't worry stomach-chan I'll feed you now." Rav opens his fridge taking out the 3 left over pizza slices from last night and a can of beer. He puts the slices on a plate and in the microwave to reheat. He pops open the can of beer and takes a long sip sighing "Satan's piss, what a way to start your day."

He takes his pizza out of the microwave after hearing the ding. He goes to his living room sits on the couch and turns on his tv and scrolls through netflix. He takes a bite from his pizza and moans at the deliciousness. "Truly the food of the gods." He praises the pizza slice and takes another bite.

[Hours Later]

Rav walks out of his house wearing his thin rimmed glasses, white polo shirt, black adidas joggers and black nike sneakers. He locks the door and starts making his way to the grocery store.

"I need some milk, eggs, tomatos and onions, and maybe like a loaf of bread." Rav sighs as he stops at the traffic lights showing red. He waits while scrolling through his group chat. He looks up as the lights turn green, and starts walking across. Lost in thought he doesn't notice the truck barreling towards him until it's too late and everything goes black.

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