Chapter 5: The Notary

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"Get your lazy ass up, we got work to do," Jason shouts trying to wake Max. "Christ could you shut the fuck up Jason I'm trying to sleep," Max groans into his pillow. "Nope get up. we gotta finish the suit," Jason shouts even louder causing Max to wince. "You little shit. Fine, I'm up," Max growls throwing off his bed sheets and making his way to the bathroom.

After taking a morning piss, showering, and brushing his teeth. He proceeds to his walk-in closet. "Take a red shirt at least," Jason says as he sees Max only picking out black clothing. "Fine," Max grumbles putting on a red t-shirt, black leather jacket, black Nike joggers, and black Nike sneakers. He looks at himself in the full-length mirror, he runs his fingers through his platinum blonder dyed hair that's styled in a messy medium undercut.

He picks a watch from his collection, picks up his glasses, and puts it on. "I think we're good to go now," Jason says impatiently. "Would you calm down," Max sighs leaving his walk-in closet and bedroom. He moves downstairs to his kitchen and starts making himself eggs and bacon to eat.


Max enters his basement/lab after finishing his breakfast. "Good Morning Sir, How Can I Be Of Service?" A female robotic voice asks. "Morning to you too A.L.I. How far are we with Red Hood Model Prime." Max inquires as he sits at his table as holographic images of a suit and weapons are displayed. "Looking good," Jason grins. "Yeah, it looks good." Max nods his head.

 He turns the 3d holographic display of the suit and weapons, inspecting and double checking everything is in place. "How's it going with the nanobot calibration to the suit A.L.I?" Max asks. "Nanobot Calibration To The Suit Is Complete, Starting Fabrication Of Nanotech Suit And Nanotech Weapons, Sir," A.L.I affirms. Max nods and starts the fabrication of the Nanotech Suit.

"Now while that's busy," Max pulls another 3d holographic model of a Vibranium/Dark Matter energy containment unit, in the form of black bracelets. "Still can't believe you paid that thieving fucker Klaw for the Vibranium," Jason grumbles annoyed. "Look kid we can't just go around making enemies left and right," Max sighs.

"We used your name and a disguise so he doesn't know it was me. And besides, we have to stay under the radar until we have contingency plans in place, in case something happens," Max says amicably while working on the energy source for the suit and energy weapons. "And contingency plans for our contingency plans for our contingency plans," Jason scoffs rolling his eyes. "Exactly, you can never be too prepared," Max nods

"Power up the particle accelerator A.L.I," Max says after making a few adjustments. "Right Away Sir...." A.L.I says. Max walks over to his fabricator and takes out the container, containing the nanoparticles, which will form his NanoTech Suit and NanoTech Energy Weapons, once it's powered with the Energy Bracelets. 

"You know? Tony's been acting weird lately," Jason states. "I noticed," Max says nonplussed walking over to his small-scale particle accelerator, "And?..." Jason asks. "And..." Max repeats observing the accelerator. "Do you know what's wrong with him?" Jason shouts annoyed at Max's nonchalant attitude. "He has Palladium poisoning" Max sighs tiredly

"So? Shouldn't you be more concerned and try and help him" Jason groans frustrated. "It's Tony he's smart, he'll find a way to cure himself," Max shrugs. 

"Containment Of Dark Matter Energy In Vibranium Bracelets Complete Sir," A.L.I says shutting off the accelerator. "Thanks, A.L.I," Max walks over to the accelerator and takes out the Energy Bracelets. "And what if he doesn't find a way?" Jason asks.

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