Chapter 6: Monaco Incident

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Max was sitting by the bar at the Hotel De Paris waiting for his brother and Pepper to arrive since he had arrived a day early. "What's taking them so long," Jason whined impatiently. "Calm down, they'll be here any minute now," Max thinks rolling his eyes at his whining. He calls the bartender over for a refill while looking around and seeing a bunch of people swarming the entrance.

"What's a gentleman like you doing in a dump like this?" A familiar female voice jokes behind him. "Drinking away my sorrows," Max sighs lifting his glass of vodka, he turns to his side seeing Natalie standing in a beautiful red dress. "Oh...Penny for your thoughts?" She smiles at him quirking her brow.

"There's this really beautiful and badass redhead, I met a while ago," He says taking a sip from his glass, expression forlorn. "Go on," She hums stepping a bit closer to him. "I want to ask her out to dinner...But I don't think she's interested in me," He says finally looking at her. "What makes you think that?" She asks tilting her head cutely and smirking.

"I think she might be interested in my brother," He says taking a subtle glance at her cleavage. "Oh yeah?" She purrs noticing his wondering eyes and slightly pushes out her chest and steps closer, placing her hand on his forearm and rubbing softly. "Yeah," He breathes out moving closer until their noses are practically touching.

"How about you ask her?" She briefly brushes her lips against his and grins at his sharp intake of breath. "What if she says no?" He slides his hands down her waist, giving her hips a soft squeeze. She looks at him intensely, sliding her hand up his forearm and to the back of his neck. She pulls him forward kissing him softly and slowly.

"Does that answer your question," She says ending the kiss smiling. "Answer what?" He says feigning ignorance. She giggles and gives him one more short but deep kiss, she hums in approval when she feels his hands give her ass a soft squeeze, "The answer is yes," She says pulling away, softly patting his cheeks and walking away.

"Wow," Max grins goofily watching the sway of her hips as she walks away. He turns back to the bar and downs his vodka, sighing happily. The bartender gives him a nod to which he nods back chuckling. "Why so quiet kid?" He thinks curiously. "That was something," Jason says dumbly at a loss for words. "Yeah, it was," Max thinks smirking.

After calming down Max got up and went to where he saw his brother, Pepper, and Natalie talking. He arrives next to his brother. "God the annoyance is here," Max sighs just as Justin arrives placing his hand on the twin brothers' shoulders. "Justin Hammer," Tony says loudly. Max grimaces in disgust looking at Justin's hand.

"How you doing?" Justin says cheerily, "You're not the only rich guy here with a fancy car. You know Christine Everhart from Vanity Fair. You guys know each other?" A blonde woman arrived next to Justin glancing slyly between Max and Natalie. Which doesn't go unnoticed by the two, Max just rolls his eyes and Natalie smiles innocently.

"Hi, yes," Christine says. "Yes," Pepper says politely. "Yes," Tony says blankly, looking slightly lost in thought. "No, not really," Max drawls impassively. "We do," Pepper insists looking sharply at the Stark brothers don't seem to be paying attention.

"BTW, big story. The new CEO of Stark Industries," Justin says conspiratorially to Christine as if he had inside news about it. "I know, I know," She says holding up her hands, "My editor will kill me if I don't grab a quote for our Powerful Women issue. Can I?" She nods asking Pepper.

"Well, in that case, don't do it Pep," Max whispers to Pepper loud enough for Christine to hear. She glared daggers at him to which he just smiles at her in turn. Tony looked amused at the exchange. "Sure," Pepper nods ignoring Max. "Oh well, I tried," Max shrugs sighing, he turns to his brother, "I'll get us a seat," Max nods.

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