Chapter 3: Stark Expo

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"We are never doing that again!" Pepper says after landing on solid ground near the back of the big arena and unstrapping herself from Max, taking a deep steadying breath. "What? Never skydived before?" Max asks chuckling as he watches her trying to compose herself. He removes his straps and parachute tossing it to the ground and fixing his two-piece black suit, he reaches into his back pocket takes out his glasses, and puts them on. "So, how do I look," He asks Pepper who has finished smoothing out her dress and fixing her hair. "Like a million bucks," She says dryly.

They are then ushered backstage to the arena, where Max can see Tony working his magic on the crowd of people. Pepper splits off to talk to some of the workers about who knows what. Max watches as the dancing girls crowd around Tony and the music comes to an end. The girls march off the stage and a few smile flirtatiously as they pass Max, who grins and gives them a lascivious wink causing them to blush and giggle.

"God Bless America," Max mutters praisingly after taking a glance at the girl's assets. "Quit perving, you idiot," Jason snaps blushing furiously. "What kind of teenager are you? that's not happy to see ass and tits out in their natural habitat,"  Max thinks confused watching amused as Tony pats himself on the back."Just shut up and pay attention!" Jason yells embarrassed. "Whatever kid," Max thinks chuckling to himself.

"Please, it's not about me." Tony stops as the crowd cheers and smirks "It's not about you. It's not even about us. It's about legacy. It's about what we choose to leave behind for future generations. And that's why for the next year and for the first time since 1974, the best and brightest men and women of nations and corporations the world over will pool their resources, share their collective vision, to leave behind a brighter future. It's not about us. Therefore, what I'm saying, if I'm saying anything, is welcome back to the Stark Expo." Tony finishes raising his arms as the crowd cheered

"And now, making a special guest appearance from the great beyond to tell you what it's all about, please welcome my father, Howard." He takes a bow and walks off as the video recording starts playing on the screen.

"Everything is achievable through technology." Howard Stark said on the big screen. "Better living, robust health, and for the first time in human history, the possibility of world peace. So, from all of us here at Stark Industries, I would like to personally introduce you to the City of the Future. Technology holds infinite possibilities for mankind," Tony is off the stage, doing a blood toxicity test. It Gives a reading of 19%. He looks worried but quickly hides the test when he sees Max glancing over at him. "and will one day rid society of all its ills. Soon technology will affect the way you live your life every day. No more tedious work, leaving more time for leisure activities and enjoying the sweet life. The Stark Expo. Welcome."  The video ends and the crowd erupts into cheers yet again.

"Okay make sure you guys stay close it's a zoo out there," Happy warns the Twin Starks as he goes first out the doors, followed by Tony and Max at the back. They move through the crow of people shoving anyone away that gets too handsy. Tony signs autographs, talks to a few people, and flirts with some women, and pats a kid on the head that's wearing an Iron man mask. Max is not really bothered except for a few women that asked for his number.

"This is Larry King," Happy introduces Tony to an elderly man as they reach the bottom of the stairs. "Hey Larry," Tony shakes Larry's hand and continues on. "You look awfully familiar," Max says squinting at Larry. "I get that all the time kid," Larry chuckles and shakes his hand. "I am certain that we have seen from somewhere," Jason adds in, also trying to remember where, but to no avail.

"Freedom at long last," Max sighs as they finally arrive outside. Tony laughs at his antics, "So how did Pep take the whole skydiving thing?" Tony asked curiously with an amused smile. "Oh, she did not like it at all." Max laughs as he pats Tony on the back. Max suddenly gasps as he sees, his once-destroyed Car completely fixed. He runs over to his Grey Audi and completely ignores the lady leaning on the car and starts caressing it lovingly. "Oh, my sweet baby girl, how I've missed you," Max whispers lovingly with adoration shining in his eyes.

"They finally fixed it?" Tony asks Happy smirking to which Happy just nods. Max finally looks up from inspecting the car and sees the lady, he then looks at her curiously, "Does she come with the car?" Max says looking the woman up and down. "I certainly hope so," Happy responds smiling. "Hi" Tony greets the woman as she walked up to him specifically, causing Max to scoff and roll his eyes. "And you are?"

"Marshal" Marshal answers smiling pleasantly at Tony. "Irish, I like it," Tony shakes her hand. "Pleased to meet you, Tony," She says after shaking his hand. "Pleasure to meet you too," Max retorts dryly from his spot leaning on the car. Tony smirks and goes around to the passenger's side as the top opens itself. "Where you from?" He asks Marshal. "Bedford," She replies. "What are you doing here?" He asks as he gets in the passenger seat. "Looking for you," She answers with a coquettish smile and bites her lip.

"Sorry Happy, you have another ride, right?" Max asks getting in the driver's seat and looking at him apologetically. "Don't worry I got a car waiting for me," Happy says waving off his apology. "What are you up to later?" Tony asks Marshal flirtatiously. "Serving subpoenas," She smiles handing him a letter. "Yikes," He says grimacing at the letter. "I got it, he doesn't like to be handed things," Max sighs taking the letter from her.

"Yeah, I have a peeve," Tony answers with a shrug. "I got it. You are hereby ordered to appear before the Senate Armed Services Committee tomorrow morning at 9 am." She informed him. "Can I see a badge?" Max asks quirking a brow. "You wanna see the badge?" Marshal says coyly. "No, I just asked you for no reason at all," Max says dryly and rolls his eyes. She frowns and takes out her badge showing it to the two brothers.

"Good enough for me," Tony shrugs and nods. "How far are we from D.C.?" He asks as Max starts the engine. "250 miles, hold on tight. See ya Happy." Max says and drives off.

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