Chapter 4: Court Room Shananigans

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"Mr. Stark, could we pick up now where we left off? Mr. Stark. Please." Senator Stern says trying to get Tony's attention hitting his gavel. Max sat next to Pepper looking thoroughly bored. After being told off by Pepper, Tony spins around in his chair and smiles sweetly at the senator, "Yes dear?"

"Can I have your attention?" The Senator asked. "Absolutely," Tony says mockingly causing Max to snort. "Do you or do not possess a specialized weapon?" Stern questions. "I do not," Tony replies shrugging. "You do not?" Stern repeats. "I do not," Tony says then tilts he's as if thinking it over "Well it depends on how you define the word "weapon".

" The Iron man weapon," Stern states. "My device does not fit that description," Tony denies calmly. "Wha-wha well...How would you describe it?" Stern stammers gesturing for him to explain. "I would describe it by defining it as what it is, Senator," Tony says. "As?" Stern asks to elaborate. "It's a High-Tech Prosthesis," Tony says causing the crowd to laugh. "That is... That is... That's the most apt description I can make of it," He shrugs.

"It's a weapon. It's a weapon. Mr.Stark," Stern states. "Okay I'm sorry but I just have to know...Is your face always like that or did you suck on a bunch of lemons before we got here?" Max inquires looking incredulously at Stern.

The crowd laughed while Stern looks affronted. "Why you--" Stern snarls but is cut off by Max, "Because you look like you're pouting your lips...Which is quite disturbing," Max grimaces causing the crowd to erupt in laughter again. Pepper gives Max a reproachful glare and smacks him on the shoulder."Behave," She hisses still glaring at him until holds his hand up in surrender.

"Anyways...If your priority was actually the well-being of the American citizen..." Tony cuts in before the senator pops a blood vessel and diverts the senator's attention back on him. Stern glares at Max one last time, "My priority is to get the Iron Man weapon turned over to the people of the United States of America." Stern says.

"Well, you can forget it," Tony says as everyone fell silent

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"Well, you can forget it," Tony says as everyone fell silent. "I am Iron Man. The suit and I are one. To turn over the Iron Man suit would be to turn over myself which is tantamount to indentured servitude or prostitution, depending on what state you're in."He jokes at the end, as laughs were heard. "You can't have it." He says with finality.

"Look I'm no expert-". "In prostitution?" Max mocks cutting off Stern "Of course not. You're a Senator. Come on," The crowd laughed again as Tony shook his head grinning at his younger brother. Tony sees Pepper pull Max by the ear and whisper something to him that has him turning and quickly nodding a terrified look on his face. She looks satisfied with herself and looks over to Tony who is looking curiously at her, she just shakes her head and gestures for him to face the front.

"I'm no expert in weapons," Sterns grits through clenched teeth. "We have somebody here who is an expert on weapons. I'd now like to call Justin Hammer, our current primary weapons contractor," He says smugly. Tony turns towards the door seeing a blonde-haired man entering the court. "Let the record reflect that I observed Mr. Hammer entering the chamber, and I am wondering if and when any actual expert will also be in attendance," Max says putting on an accent.

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