18 Okay

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Two weeks had gone by. Jotaro's urges had dwindled since. It could only be blamed because of the medication. Jotaro still got to be held by Kakyoin, which was nice. Yet Jotaro still hasn't officially moved in with Kakyoin.

When Jotaro got up that morning, Kakyoin still hadn't. He went and made breakfast, then called the Speedwagon Foundation headquarters to tell them he wasn't coming into work. That morning, he planned to stay home with Kakyoin.

Jotaro brought upstairs a plate of food. He knocked on Kakyoin's bedroom door. "Nori, are you awake?"

"Mmhm," a small voice replied.

"Can I come in? I brought breakfast."

"Mm-mm," he mumbled. "Can't eat." His voice sounded strained as if he was in pain.

"What if I get something that you can get down easier?"

There was a moment of silence. "Okay."

Jotaro said, "I'll be back." He left and tried to come up with something easy to eat for Kakyoin. He managed to make a smoothie and a bowl of oatmeal. When he came back to the room, he walked in this time.

Kakyoin was under the covers, curled into a ball.

Jotaro sat his breakfast on the bedside table. "Nori, I brought your breakfast. A smoothie and oatmeal."

Kakyoin seemed to jump. His head poked from under the covers. His eyes were bloodshot, and his face were wet with tears. His hair was matted with sweat. "Thanks."

"Do you need help?"

"Um," Kakyoin said nervously. "I..." He seemed ashamed about something. "Could you get me some new sheets?"

"A whole set for your bed?"

"Yes." He averted his eyes to avoid eye contact. He struggled to explain, "Sometimes chronic back pain can result in incontinence..."

"Inconti-," Jotaro quickly shut up. "Okay. Hold on." He dealt with something similar when his daughter was around six or seven. He left and came back with new sheets, a towel and freshly warmed pajamas. "Are you still in pain?"

Kakyoin nodded. He could barely talk. He grimaced as he sat up.

"Hold on," Jotaro stopped time to get to his suffering friend's side. He let time continue when he held him gently. "Let me help."

Kakyoin could barely nod as he trembled in pain.

He picked him up as gently as he could. He knew that he wasn't as strong as he used to be, so he tried to be careful as he struggled to carry him. He didn't care for Kakyoin's soiled clothes, he just wanted to make it as easy for him as possible.

Jotaro knew what a nice hot shower could do for sore nerves and muscles. He decided to run a bath for him. He sat Kakyoin on the edge of the bathtub, but kept an arm to support Kakyoin's back. He wasn't sure what to say, but he knew that the clothes needed to be removed before he helped Kakyoin in the bathtub.

"Hey, Nori... I need to..."

"Go ahead," Kakyoin struggled.

Jotaro nodded. He helped take his shirt off. It was a struggle since Kakyoin was reluctant to move his arms from his torso. It was a little easier to remove his pants and underwear. He averted his eyes from the huge scar on his torso and his private parts.

Just when he was about to reach for his legs to help him in, Kakyoin said, "I got it. Thanks." Kakyoin reached for a handle to pull himself into the nice, hot bath. He was shaking despite it being warm.

Jotaro said, "I'll check up on you in about ten minutes. I'm going to fix your bed and rewarm up your food for when you're ready."

Kakyoin nodded, "Jojo, thank you."

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