chapter 6

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*Isha pov*

"Maa" me thank God it was my mother if it was someone else they would have judged me. Before maa came in I pushed Krish away now he was sitting on the bed at least that is what it looks like when in reality he was pushed. "Krish there you are I was looking for everywhere. Anyway let's go Isha it's time for you to get married" maa. "Maa can I have just 5 minutes I want to talk to Krish alone" me.

My mom knows Krish are he was in my college and is our neighbors.

Nodding my mom left Krish got up from the bed and walked to me. "No please don't get married please I love you Isha please and that to to him Rudr I thought you hated him how can you marry him" Krish.

" Ok calm down  I..... I ... I don't like him but I have to marry him for me dad he got a heart attack and if he gets any stress he'll get  one more heart attack he'll die I can't let my father die even if that means that I have marry rudr I hope you can understand" me.

"Fine if you want to marry him then do but just be happy and remember that I will always love and if you need anything I will be there"  Krish.

"No I want you to forget me move on move after and find someone better and be happy okay" me. I said with tears in my and his eyes we huged. When my mom came in.

"Aww you Krish she is just getting married you can come and meet her" maa. She thinks Krish and I are best friends which we are. " Now come fast". Saying that she left we started following her.

" I don't want to lose my best friend." Me. "You never can I will always love you if not as a boyfriend that has a best friend and if you ever need anything just call me" him. We said in a low voice so that my mom couldn't hear. Then Krish gave me hand in my dad's. " Isha I'm going to Paris for a year or two so I'll see you next year or maybe after that." Krish

"How come out of nowhere" dad. "Uncle it's important I have some work that that's why I just came to see you good luck for your new life Isha" Krish. "Ok have fun in Paris see you". Me I know he is saying that he is leaving for some important work only I why he is going. I said to myself in my mind then he said goodbye to my family as we are all friends and to me and left with look back. I hope he finds someone better than me who will keep him happy. Good bye Krish you will always be my first love.


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😭😭😭😭😭😭 Krish we will miss you be happy.

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