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"Luna, get the outta bed." My mom slurred.

"Yeah, yeah."

I quietly get ready to start the day, brushing my teeth and dark hair , light makeup so I don't look dead, I grab a breakfast bar and my bag to head out.

I slowly pace to the bus stop to get to school and it's raining. great. I'm not sure if Luke is even going to be here. I plug my earbuds into my phone, they have a small tangle but I don't care enough to fix it, I click shuffle on my spotify playlist, West Coast by The Neighborhood starts playing.

The bus comes shortly, I flash the driver my bus-pass and sit in the middle on the side row.

I heard that there's gonna be a new kid too. How would someone even find this place? It's like the middle of absolute nowhere and around here nobody gives a shit about anything or anyone.

I quickly walk to class once I get to school, I'm like five minutes late, someone is sitting in the spot I usually sit in, whatever. I have to sit in the very back now , but that doesn't really matter I just like having the comfort to sit where I want. Some guy stumbles in the room, I'm guessing its that new kid, or he's just lost because I don't remember having him in my english class. he's real tall and has dark hair and eyes, he kinda looks asian.
"Class, this is Calum he's new to the school, show respect, um you can sit in the back beside Luna." Mr. Ford tells us and points to me
As he wanders over to me he slips a little and drops his textbook on my foot.
"Oi! What the fuck" I groan.
"Sorry, you alright?" He asks but I don't think he actually wants the answer.
"It's my foot not my head, I'm fine." I say.
"Aha yeah sorry, are you Luna?".
"Yeah, just sit there." I point.

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