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"Luuuuunna!" Calum screams in my face as he wakes me up.

"What the hell Calum."

"Okay I'm glad you're awake now, I've been trying for hours. Get ready I found skinny jeans that would fit you and you can wear my Santa Cruz top if ya want, or no shirt, you can also shower too but that would take awhile more." He excitedly tells me.

"Sounds good, I don't need to shower hopefully. Unless you're telling me I smell bad." I giggled.

"No way Jose. Oh yeah we're going to that waffle place now so hurry up and get ready."

After I change I walk over to the mirror and his jeans fit me really well, gosh he has skinny legs though. We drove down to the place, it seems kind of old, but super cute and as soon as we walk in, a small pudgy lady runs over and grabs Cal in a big hug.

"Woah hey there Gram, this is my good friend, Luna." He says.

He leans over towards me and whispers. "She's my grandmother and has alzheimer's, so she'll forget this later."

"Calum who is the pretty girl you've brought to us?" She says.

"Told you." He says.

"My name is Luna."

"OOh, I used to have a cat named Luna, You can just call me Hannah, dear."

"Very sweet." I say.

"Well, we came here to get some of your 'world famous' waffles." Cal says.

"Oh yes alright, just choose a table." She tells us.

We chose a small booth close to the window and as soon as we sit down, I get super cold.

"Is it freezing over here or is it just me.." I say.

"Nope, its cold as fuck, lets move somewhere else." He says.

After we moved to a table near a heat vent, Hannah waddles over towards us.

"Okay so you guys wanted french toast?" She asks.

"No, waffles please, could you put whip cream smiley faces on them too?" He asks with puppy eyes.

"Calum, just like old days, does she want it too?"

''Yes please." I say
"Calum, she's the cutest thing ever!" I say in awe.

"I'm not going to agree with that but okay."

"I'm not kidding!"

"So, I've been wanting to take you on a date for awhile and this is what I get? Your grandma is so cute OMGG!!" He says trying to act like a teenage girl.

"So this is, a date?" I ask.

"Well hopefully, yes." He smiles big with his dimples coming though.

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