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Calums POV
I can't keep lying to her like this. It's complete bullshit. I hate it so much. Even though I did this to myself, I didn't think that I would ever meet somebody again. I'm just so anxious and I fucking can't take it. I've gotta tell her, wait but I could give her a hint. Yeah a hint.

Jeremy hastily snarls at me from the corner.
"Go away." I whisper.
"Not until she's- left." He says.
"She's already home."
"Not gone for good."
"That's not happening." I yell.
"She has to."
"Not this one." I run up and punch him in the nose, hard, he doesn't bleed though.
"You'll regret that soon." He snickers to himself.
He soon leaves and I'm alone with Finn and we just go to bed quietly and snuggled.

The next morning I decide to pick Luna up early and go to school together, surprise though. I stride up the shallow steps to her house and she quickly pokes her head out the door.

"Oh? hey Cal, I didn't expect to see you here. How are you?" She says confused. Her hair hangs down her
back, not brushed as I can tell. She smiles, oh god. The way she smiles is always so genuine around me, her dimples create new crevices each time, I see the way she tries to hide her beauty, covering her face with her long sleeves, when she's laughing she looks to the ground to try and hide it, but I wish I could just make her feel better. I don't know how to help her but I just want to so so so bad, I don't even know how to help myself. She's just so beautiful and I love her so much but I need more ways to tell her but I don't know.
I want her to know how much I appreciate her.

OKAY I know this is short but it's only the first one ok ilya

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