Author's Note and Warnings

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This fic was originally posted on AO3 but I've chosen to also post here due to some demand.

!!! There will be SPOILERS both for the show AND the books (this includes elements from the KoS duology). !!!

This fic will deal with heavy topics: war, violence, loss, grief, death, toxic relationships,  and manipulation will all be explored. There are mentions of SA and explicit dub-con scenes. The relationship between Alina and Aleksander is very much toxic throughout the story and it will, for the most part, remain toxic. Moreover, nothing in the story is meant to be taken at face value, rather, themes and actions were left morally grey so as to be explored and dissected by the reader.

If these are themes that will trigger you or make you uncomfortable PLEASE do not engage. This is a mature story and should be treated as such, at the end of the day we are responsible for what we consume on the internet. 

A few more things to note:

•  I've completely mixed show cannon and book canon because I genuinely cannot tell them apart anymore

•  I'm taking a few liberties with cannon lore, especially the amplifiers

• There is wayyyyyy more Malina than I ever intended to write BUT I felt it would have been disingenuous to the story to exclude that just because I don't like Mal lol

• I've tried to keep the characterization faithful to the source material (even if it means Alina drove me insane for half the story)

• This is one of my first times posting to Wattpad so sorry if I mess up the formatting hehe

Anyway, hope you enjoy.

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