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Yn's pov

Yn - maa when will papa come ?

Ym - i don't know yn.

Yn - maa work is more important than us to papa. He didn't even come in any ceremony of marriage.

Ym - don't worry beta i will talk to him hmm? You go and take some rest you were working all day.

Yn - ok maa good night


Author's pov

Here Tahir is waiting for yn in rooftop but she didn't come yet .

Tahir- where are you babygirl your tiger is waiting for you .

After some time he felt someone backhuging him he smiled .

Tahir - i know you will come you make me wait so long baby--

Soon i turn around but it's make him shocked the person is not yn the person is ......... Veer

He pushed him who is smirking veer fall on the floor with a thud and Start laughing like crazy.

Tahir - wth are you doing here?

Veer - did you really think that am yn hahahaha oh my .

Tahir - kamina kahi ka .

Veer - am come here for telling you that yn is not coming .

Tahir - what!! why?

Veer - because wo mehendi laga rahi hai.

Tahir's mind- you made a big mistake babygirl be ready .

Veer - tell me one thing Tahir .

Tahir - hmmm.

Veer - why are you always act so weird around her i mean you are always cold toward everyone but why not with her.

Tahir - because she is not like others.

Veer - how did you know that she is not like others? I meet her 2 months ago but you meet her 2weeks ago then how can you say that?

Tahir - no veer i saw her first 6month ago , she is the first girl who dare to slap tahir singhaniya but it was an accident.

Veer - what!!! And you didn't tell me?
Am your best friend Tahir how can you do this to me?

Veer started his drama and left by saying..

Veer - don't talk to me .


Nisa - wow Mahira your mehendi is looking so beautiful.

Mahira- thank you.

Siya - guys did you plan something for batchelor party ?

Nisa - i have an idea .

Mahira & Siya - what ?

Nisa - what about a theme party?

Siya- good idea .

Nisa - So the theme is that the girl will wear blue and gray color saree.

Mahira , siya & tara - done!


Jay - come on bhai this is your last chance to have fun.

Veer - Because after marriage you will become the slave of Mahira bhabhi, so please enjoy one night or else do you know Mahira bhabhi will ever let you do all this.

Ram - i think you are right so what is the plan?

Veer - what about club ?

Ram - then call the dancers too.

Veer - done!


Yn's mehendi

Author's pov******†*****

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Author's pov

Yn is going towards her room she entered in her room and lock the door she turn around and see a big baby

Yn - what are you doing here ? If someone see you in my room then we will be in trouble .

Tahir - you had to think of all this before not coming to meet me in rooftop.

Yn- Tahir i forget because of work.

Tahir got up from the corner he was sitting on and come toward her .

Yn - Tahir don't come near me or i will shout .

Tahir - go on .

He is stand in front of yn her mehendi was not dry yet Tahir hold her waist and pulled her closer meking her bumped in his hard chest her heart beating is so fast .

Yn - t-tahir leave .

Tahir - no

Yn- yo----

T/m - yn you are inside ?

Yn's eyes winded because Surbhi maa is standing outside of door if she see us together like this then oh my god and Tahir is having fun of this situation.

Yn - y-yes maa .

T/m - did you see Tahir?

Yn- no no maa i didn't see him.

Yn mind- sorry Surbhi maa for Laying to you it's all because of him .

T/m - yeah ok am going.

She left yn breath in relief .

Tahir - did you just lie ?

Yn- ..................

Tahir - congratulations yn

You looked at him in confusion.

Yn- why?

Tahir - because .............i love youuuu!



His Obsession : A Kim Taehyung Series Where stories live. Discover now