Bonus part: 02

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Author's pov

Yn - tahir please maan jao , just for a day let me stay here .

Yn said from other side of phone and here tahir is not ready to listen to her

Tahir - there is no way I'm letting you stay there , and you already promised tanish and me that you will be back till evening .

Yn was at her parents house to meet her perents and now she wanted to stay there for a night but tahir being tahir he doesn't want her to stay there because he can't sleep without of her

Tahir - look yn don't be sad baby , you know na tanish can't sleep without of you .

He said while walking back to fourth making excuses but yn know him very well

Yn - mr. Tahir singhaniya do you think I'm a fool hun . I know my baby can sleep without me but not you so stop making excuses by taking his name .

Tahir cried mentally and whined

Tahir - baby please na come back I'm missing you and my daughter.

Tahir connect his mobile with Bluetooth while walking downstair
He found tanish sitting with Kiara, tanish's eyes shine looking at his father he run to him and hugged tahir's waist and whispered in low voice " mumma"

he was still talking to her and hoped in the car with tanish till than tanish understand that they are going to take his mumma back he was excited, starting the engine he drove off , yn was five months pregnant with second baby and tahir is so protective toward her not only her but everyone in the house especially tanish , they didn't know the gender

Of the baby but tahir said that the baby will be a girl his princess , soon tahir stopped the car in front of your parents house and got down of the car

The door was already opened he and tanish went inside find his father-in-law and mother-in-law sitting in the couch of living room they saw him coming they stood up and smiled widely but tahir told them to keep quiet as he wanted to suprise his wife .

Tahir - so you won't come .

He asked still on the call while touching his in-laws feet as tanish did the same they hugged their grandson with so much love .

And both of them made their way toward your room and knocked on the door

Yn - tahir I'll talk to you later i think maa is on the door

You hang up the call and open the door only to find her husband and son she wasn't shocked but suprise , tanish hugged his mother as soon she opened the door she smiled and pecked his head creasing his hair

Tahir -  tanish move now your father's turn "

Tahir said and tanish moved he hugged yn tightly she too hugged him back

Tahir - i missed you ( while pecking her cheeks)

Yn - i missed you too

They both smile at each other suddenly tahir kneel down in front of her and crease her baby bump and kissed it

Tahir - my princess did you miss papa

After  sometime they three of them bid bye to her parents and took a leave for their home .

Tanish was fast asleep on his mother's lap hugging her tightly

They reached singhania mansion and directly went to their room tahir lay tanish down on his bed and cover him with blanket they both come to their room yn also sit down leaning on the headrest after changing in something comfortable

Tahir come after changing and sit in front of her feet taking her feet in his lap her start massing it yn close her eyes she felt relaxed .

It's his daily routine , after a while he made yn laid down and he also laid bedside her taking her in her embrace

He pecked her forehead and said

Tahir - i can't imagine my life without of you yn , you and my little family are my everything
I love you

Hearing him yn pulled him in deep kiss .

Yn - we love you too .


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