finally mine

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Author's pov

Singhaniya mansion

here is your grah pravesh in singhaniya mansion Tahir's mother is so happy because You are her Tahir's wife You are her hope who can heal her son You are the only one who can take care of Tahir

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here is your grah pravesh in singhaniya mansion Tahir's mother is so happy because You are her Tahir's wife You are her hope who can heal her son You are the only one who can take care of Tahir.

You have no idea what happened to Tahir, what is his secret, he behaves like a madman, his anger issue.

Tm - now you are member of our family .

Tahir's mother said while caressing her cheeks you smiled at her .

Tm - Tahir take her in your room you both look tired .

Tahir looked at you and hold your hand then made his way toward his room.


You was really tired right now Tahir notice and pull you closer by your waist you bumped into his hard chest

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You was really tired right now Tahir notice and pull you closer by your waist you bumped into his hard chest .

Yn - Tahir what are you doing ?

Tahir - Now we are husband and wife and I don't need anyone's permission to hold you like this.

Yn - now sut up and go take shower .

Tahir - mind joining me in shower wifey .

You slapped his chest lightly he just chuckled at you and went to bathroom you smiled at him .
Where did your story start and now you both are together, you both have tied in such a bond .

You are removing your jewelry while smiling to yourself but one thing is running in your mind that where is tara and Sohel ?

You didn't notice that when the bathroom door opened and a half naked Tahir only in towel stand behind you .

You flinched in sudden touch when he back hugged you your eyes grew winded when his bare chest contact with your back .

Yn - t-tahir wear your clothe.

Tahir - get used to seeing me like this,

You were about to say something but cutted by phone ring Tahir rolled his eyes and picked up call on one hand and other hand holding you .

Tahir - yeah ok am coming .

With that he hang up and pouted while placing his chin on your shoulder .

Tahir - am sorry babygirl but i have to go office now .

Yn - right now it's almost night Tahir.

Tahir - yeah but it's urgent .

Yn - ok go but be safe ok .

He kissed on your shoulder and went to closet you also unpacked your bag picked up your night suite and went bathroom.

After talking bath you come out from bathroom and didn't find Tahir that meant he left you did your night routine and lay down on bed and fall asleep .

Your night suite

Your night suite

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Other side

Tahir - what the hell can't you just do your work properly I have come here leaving my wife alone, today I got married and here you can handle a work .

?? - sorry Tahir but it's very important for us .

After work he went back his home entered inside of his bedroom find a sleeping baby he smiled and change his clothes then he lay on bed bedside you and take you in his arms .

Tahir -  finally you are mine now babygirl  and no one gonna take you away from me not even you if someone did then they will see worst side of Tahir singhaniya .

Next morning

You open your eyes and try to sit but you felt something havey on your chest you look down and see Tahir's head was on your chest he is looking like a baby right now you carefully remove his hand and head and pecked his forehead before going to get ready today is your first day in singhaniya mansion as a daughter in law.

His Obsession : A Kim Taehyung Series Where stories live. Discover now