final chapter

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Author's pov
Veer - Tahir he want to meet you .

Tahir - ok tell him come to my office ..

Veer left from there Tahir just sit there and thinking about something he Got married with yn but there is one very important thing which needs to be completed at any cost.

He got up from there and went to get ready for office, in a while Tahir got ready and went downstairs to have his breakfast.

It's been two weeks when yn and Tahir get married they love each other Tahir never leave any chance to make yn feel special.

You are serving breakfast to other family members then you heard footsteps you turn around and see your handsome husband is coming toward you while smiling .

He sits in a chair and you give him breakfast and you also sit next to him and start having breakfast.

Tf - after breakfast i want tell you something .

He said looking at all members they all nodded their heads and start eating.

In living room

After breakfast they all are sitting in couch waiting for Tahir's father speak

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After breakfast they all are sitting in couch waiting for Tahir's father speak.

Tf - take this ..

He give a pepper to ram and Tahir the both looked at him in confusion but they opened the pepper and read it it was not a pepper it was tickets for paris .

Ram - dad what is this ?

Tf - i know my son's are very hardworking but Kids don't you think you should take a break from work and give your time to your wife's ..

Tm - and it's a over.

Tahir - thank you mom dad .

He went and hugged them but they didn't notice two sulking man with pout .

Ram - what happened to you two.

He looked at veer and jay .

Veer - mami ji i want get married to .

Jay - me to .

Tahir's mother shook her head looking at them and smiled .


In Kim Enter.

Tahir entered inside of his cabin but he stopped on his track when he saw a sitting figure .

mr khurana - where is my son Tahir singhaniya .

The old man yelled at Tahir .

Tahir - aishh my ear why are you shouting mr khurana .

Mr khurana - i know you are the one who kidnap my son .

Tahir - haha Do you really think i kidnap him so mr khurana for your kin information it's called help not kidnap .

Tahir smirked at him and went to his CEO seat and sit down like a king mr khurana looked at him in anger .

Mr khurana - what do you mean ?

Tahir - your son is my college friend and he love a girl so i just help him in it .

Mr khurana - how dare you ..

Tahir - i think this oldie want my ear bleed .

Tahir picked up his phone and called security guard the guard come inside of his cabin and grabbed mr khurana and kicked him out of office.

Tahir and Sohel are best friends in
Their college days when then both meet again in Mahira's wedding and get to know about his father has fixed his marriage with yn .

He told everything to Tahir that he love a girl and the girl is pregnant with his child and he don't wanna leave her
Tahir's work get easy because in any cost he won't let the marriage happen because yn is only his .

And there no way he will let yn marry anyone until he is alive so he planned this .


The End 😘

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