Chapter 5

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"Your grace, the Duke said you shall not wait for him as he won't be able to come tonight. The princess suddenly felt sick and she has yet to recover."

Alisa who took a shower and had already worn her gown dropped her expression. The princess fell sick on their wedding night out of every day? She signalled the maid to go out and stood there silent looking to the black sky through the glass door connected the room to its veranda. She felt her stomach crumpling uncomfortably for the 20th time today. She wished the princess would just disappear from her sight.

"If she's going to act like that, why would she let him marry me in the first place?"

She did not know anything about them other than their Princess-knight relationship. It was quite hard to catch a glimpse of what was going on between both of them before they met and at the moment. Mikhael is an awfully quiet person, he doesn't open up easily and it's hard to read his mind because he would always get those unfeeling eyes. He barely says anything about himself nor how he's feeling, let alone the relationship with the princess.
Alisa dropped herself on the decorated rose bed, it was supposed to be for their wedding night but it came to waste. She wished she would know him more but it is so hard to approach him. He is distant even after they bow before God to be one another's company for life.


A moan leaked out into the quiet room, the pleasure electrified through her milky skin every time the wet tongue rolled into her wet place. Her body has gotten hotter, her back shivered from each of his tongue thrust, it was soft and hot and it was moving inside, licking and teasing her weakness. Her legs were put on his shoulders while Mikhael was burying his face between them. He ate her up to the core showing that it wasn't his first time doing this to the princess. The sound of his tongue flicking her liquid leaked out, her scent and taste ran deep in his senses.


He pulled his tongue out from the twitching entrance then started licking the red patels.

"...Do you want to do it?"

"Does your highness want to?"

"I'm asking you…"

"I'm turned on."

He got up, kneeled between her legs, showing the bulging pants, uttered.

"If your highness doesn't want to, we can stop here. I'll stay with your highness either way tonight."

Rowena looked at the hard thing behind his silky pants. She wanted to do it but she didn't think she would have enough energy for the long night. Because she was lost in thought for too long, Mikhael put his solid body beside her.

"What made your highness like this today? You seem strange."

"I don't know… can't you tell?"

"Did his majesty say something to your highness again? Did anyone annoy you?"

"Yes, it's annoying." She spit out unknowingly.

"What is it?"

Everything. Rowena thought.
Her ignorant father who only cared about himself.
Her half sisters that look at each other as nothing but rivalry to the throne.
And… his marriage…
Everything annoyed her.

Rowena looked into the man's eyes.

"Fuck me, Mikhael. Fuck me so hard that I couldn't think about anything else but you."

Mikhael raised himself up, pulling his aroused manhood out, he uttered.



"The Duke won't have breakfast at the table today, your grace."
Said a maid to Alisa before she continued.
"He called for two breakfasts to the guest's room with her highness."

Alisa clenched her fist a little to the news. It was the wedding night last night, now it is their first breakfast together.

"Prepare for me."
She sat herself on a chair. The large table was presented by her alone. Alisa took her meal silently. It didn't taste so good even though it was supposed to be since her husband didn't show up.

"Is her highness feeling well yet? I want to visit her."

The maids panicked a little at her claim. They looked at each other anxiously before one of them finally spoke up.

"I don't think now is a good idea, your grace…"


"His grace and the princess… are still in bed…"

"They haven't woken up? Who called for breakfast then?"

"No… milady.. his grace is still doing his duty.. he's entertaining the princess's needs.."

Alisa opened her mouth slightly. Is the princess crazy? Was a whole night not enough? The maids who knew full well why their new Duchess was speechless affirmed.

"You must not know this, milady… when the princess is upset, she becomes needy and likely to lose her mind. Her highness is really sensitive but she wouldn't say it straight… when her emotional self takes over, she will start acting weird and once she does… It's hard to stop her. Only his grace understands how her emotions work and how to calm her down, that's why he will stay beside and embrace her so she wouldn't throw a fit."

"It's true, milady. The emperor doesn't really care about his daughters and will say hurtful things to them. The 5th princess looks tough but she is really sensitive. She can only keep her cool in front of people. There were times when the emperor hurt her feelings, her highness came here to find the Duke because he wasn't around at the imperial palace but he had business outside… she lost it and threw a fit here, everyone was so scared and worried, we tried everything to calm her down but she just got even more emotional. She only calms down at his grace's presence."

"How did he do it?" Asked Alisa.

"He rushed in and hugged her. She would try to physically hurt everybody who tried to get close to her but she stayed still when his grace came. His grace then embraced her for a whole day..." 

"Like this? The way he just leaves everything to comfort her?"

"Yes, it's his grace's duty as her personal knight."

"He's not her babysitter."

"Yes but it is his duty to make her feel okay.. making sure her highness is well and safe. Even though he doesn't have to go this far, his grace does it voluntarily. Perhaps, because they've been together for years already… and the Duke is the only person who she can rely on and trust, he won't ignore her feelings unlike people around her."

Alisa stayed silent. The maids here knew a lot of inside matters. They probably were told by Mikhael to observe and take care of the princess like he did. She won't be able to say anything bad about the princess in front of them… they may tell it to Mikhael and Alisa was 100% sure Mikhael wouldn't let that slide.


"Hugh… uh!"

Mikhael felt his body drowned in pleasure. He pounded into the woman who lost all her energy but was still trying to keep up with him anyway relentlessly as she wished.
They did it last night and slept for a few hours before starting the session again at 4 in the morning up until now. Rowena trembled at the unbearable pleasure. She felt her mind go blank. She couldn't remember what made her upset nor the mean things her family said to her. The only thing that remain was Mikhael's rough sex.

"Mikhael… hughh! Hgnh… hgnh!"


"Call me… call me…"


She was stimulated at his whisper calling her name. Her whole body jumped and started shaking like a puppy in the rain. With one hand spread her bottom cheek, Mikhael kissed her smooth back and called her name again.


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