Chapter 22

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Meeting the naive little girl who made an accusation against him again made Henry realize that she had never changed. She's still as selfish and naive as she was before.
He was told by the spy he sent to hide between the imperial maids that she was a brat who would do whatever she wanted without consideration towards people. She would curse, she would hit them when her emotions took over her. So there was no sympathy in his heart towards this woman… even though he held a grudge against her for all these years… there were times he had thought that he would let go of it but she hasn't changed. Rowena was still the same, the difference between the past and present was that she's all grown up now.

So why not…
Why not tame this wild woman and teach her the basic manner humans should have…
But before that, he needs to break her ego first.

That was what he thought.


"We've arrived."

The carriage door opened. Mikhael reached out his hand to the woman inside. Alisa got off the carriage holding the hand that gave to her.
The moment she lifted her gaze, her black pupils jumped in surprise and excitement.

"This is the borderline."
Said Mikhael to the woman who had never been here before.

The scenarios around here were more beautiful than she had imagined it to be. The Ocean was right next to the city, she could see the ships and people fishing on the endlessly blue space. The city wasn't splendid but there were so many people. The market was large and spacious. As she looked around, a few kids ran up to them and stood there staring at her. Alisa, who didn't know what to do with them, looked up to Mikhael for help.

"Give them cookies."

"But I don't have cookies…" she whispered.


Mikhael turned to his men that were doing their jobs such as taking all the belongings to the chamber they had to stay in. When a man turned this way, mikhael continued.

"Go buy some cookies for the Duchess. Here's the money."

"Roger, sir."

Alisa approached the kids with a smile and asked.

"Where are your parents?"

"They are fishing."

"Do you want cookies?"

"Yes because the big uncle always gave us when he came here."

They pointed at the tall figure who was busy talking to the village headman. Alisa widened her eyes as if she was surprised.



The kids nodded. Alisa patted their heads smiling. One of them spoke out.

"Who are you, pretty sister? We've never seen you before."

"I'm his wife." Alisa pointed at Mikhael.

"Wah really? He looks so scary. Are you not scared?"

"He looks like he wants to eat us!"

Alisa bursted out laughing. The same kids who would run to him for cookies were also the same kids who judged his intimidating look.

"He's not scary at all."

"No… his body's so big! Like a giant!"

"Shush. Shush."
Alisa placed a finger on her own lips telling them to keep their voices down and went along.
"He will eat you for sure if he hears us…"

The kids covered their mouths and nodded. They believed her completely. While Alisa tried to hold her laughter, a hot breath felt on the side of her neck. Mikhael was leaning his face over her shoulder.

"The cookies." He said in her ear.

Alisa was stunned. Goosebumps felt in her stomach, almost forgetting how to breathe. Then one of his hands held her waist from behind. She blinked a lot of time to catch her thoughts that were blown away with the hot wind and took the cookie bag from him.

"Th… thank you."

Trying to smile awkwardly, she started handing the kids cookies. Mikhael didn't let go of her. He watched her while one hand on her waist.

"I heard what you said."

A low voice rang next to her ear. Alisa blushed. He heard her making fun of him with the kids.

"I was… I was just joking…"

"But you get one thing wrong. I don't eat the kids, I eat you."

The woman burnt red like a cherry.
She was stunned. She couldn't even find a word to respond. Looked up to him, Alisa got even more embarrassed, his face was stern and all despite saying something like that… meanwhile she flushed all red alone.

"Let's go. Come back to give them more tomorrow if you want to. Once you give them cookies, these kids won't leave you alone."

Alisa gave the kids a smile and followed Mikhael's lead by holding his arm. His words from a moment ago were still jumping in her stomach, she felt her face burning.

Mikhael guided her to their bedroom and told her he had business to attend to with the villagers.

"When will you be coming back?" Alisa asked.

"I'm not quite sure. We will go into the forest, it may take hours."

"Kiss me before you go."

Mikhael looked at her sternly as if he wanted her to repeat her phrase again just in case he heard it wrong. But her expression was serious.

"A good husband should give his wife a goodbye kiss before going anywhere. Please do your duty as a husband right, Duke."

Mikhael sighed. He knew too well. She brought up the “DUTY” word on purpose. But he couldn't even argue with her because she was right. She basically indirectly said to him,, do your duty as my husband right like you did as the Princesses's personal knight. Alisa gave him a warm smile sarcastically knowing she hit him in the face and made him speechless.

Mikhael neared the distance between them and lifted her up. Alisa put her hands on his shoulders as he walked to the bed. They made eye contact the whole time.

She felt her back touch the soft mattress as the large and solid body covered on top of her. Mikhael leaned his face and smooched her little lips.


His tongue brushed over her teeth and slipped inside fondling hers. Alisa, not really knowing how to kiss properly, responded to him clumsily.

He's a good kisser.
That fact made her wonder how many women he had kissed like this and now she got jealous all on her own.


The kiss started getting hotter as he dug his tongue deeper, sucking hers deliciously. Alisa gasped when a hand fondled her breast over the clothes. Catching up with his professional tongue she had to feel her sensitive chest being palmed. She just wanted a kiss.


She held the forearm of the hand that grasped her breast nonstop and moaned his name.

"I have to go now."

Mikhael sucked her lips a few times and let go of her breast. Regret felt inside her moan when he got off her body.

"There'll be someone to protect you. You can go wherever you want, just don't leave his side."

Edited: please spare some times to read my bio. I made a schedule for the books' update! 😁

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