Side story 3

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"It's so pretty." Alisa whispered to herself as her pupils sparkled looking at the necklace on her.

The large figure behind her traced a kiss on the fragrant naked flesh. She was wearing a backless russett color dress. The mahogany diamond necklace on her was the husband's gift.
They were wearing matching jewelry and outfits. Mikhael had the russett color suit with a mahogany diamond pin on the right side of his suit. Alisa smiled happily at the thought of him spending his time choosing their matching jewelry and clothes' color.

"Our babies are matching with us, too." He whispered while nibbling her ear.

Alisa chuckled. Turning around to face the large body that held her firmly in his arms, she wanted to kiss him for how lovely he had gotten but she had already worn makeup. She was afraid of getting her makeup ruined.

"Can I kiss you, heart?" He ran his nose on her soft cheek.

"But my makeup… ah.. mhnm.."

His lips covered hers while his hand supported her nape.

"They can do it again." He sucked the pinkish lips as she melted in his embrace and hot kiss.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered on her lips.

"Mikhael… ah!"

He palmed the round breast over her dress. Alisa was feeling hot and her breathing was getting heavier.

"Mikhael… we should go.. the kids must be waiting.. mhmn."

"Yes, wife. Just a minute."

He licked her chest to her neckline and sucked her lips once more before letting go. His big hands smoothed her hair as he said.

"I will call the maids to fix your lipstick and wait outside."

Alisa nodded. Her face flustered. The kiss a moment ago wasn't enough, she wanted more of his passionate hand and lips over her but they really had to go.


Mikhael kissed her cheek once more before leaving the room. When the maids came in they helped her fix her lipstick. Alisa was quite embarrassed because they probably were aware of why her makeup was ruined.


"The babies are getting along really well." Killian, the western emperor, said as he sipped tea.

He was sitting at the head table since he was the house's owner. The Elias-zo family sat on the right side while the southern royalty sat on the left of the table.
The children were playing together in another room. Killian was also playing with them the whole day. That was why he looked like he went into heaven and came back. He also got along with the three little humans.

"Ha. After so long of working like crazy, playing with kids is the best. You guess how funny they are."

"Please stop making the children do funny things and laugh at them. You're a grown person, your majesty." Warning Mikhael.

"Oh, the twins really like the little babydu. They offered her all their toys and forgot all about me, their uncle. Do you think that's fair?" He shook his head.

"You're calling who little babydu?" Asked Henry.

"The little princess of course. She's so small but her hair is so long, that's adorable." Responded Killian.

"Right. She took after her mother."

Henry brushed Rowena's blonde hair as he said so. Killian turned to Mikhael and made eye contact. As he was enjoying the time he spent with the children, Killian was also trying to get the two families talking to each other. Mikhael got the sign. He and Henry have no problem with one another. They do talk. They are politicians. But Alisa and Rowena… Mikhael wasn't sure. He believed that Rowena wouldn't apologize to Alisa for her actions and that she hated him. He sighed and held Alisa's hand. Alisa, too, still felt some type of way seeing Rowena again. The hurtful feeling may still remain in her heart even if she did not say it out loud. He prefered what his wife was comfortable with.

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