Chapter 14

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Opening her eyes slowly, she felt the warm skin belonged to the knight she made her own. He was still asleep. Rowena pecked a kiss on his chin then his lips. The man opened his eyes.

"I made you awake." Her lips curled up as a line.

"No, your highness. I was not in a deep sleep."

"What time is it now?"

"It's evening, 6 perhaps."

"Your body must feel crump." Rowena removed herself from the solid body.

"Are you hungry?"

"No, not really."

"Do you want to take a shower?"

"Will you wash me?"

"If your highness demands so."


The veiny big hands lifted the small body up, she hugged his neck as he took her to the bathroom. When he removed all her clothes, the drastically glamorous body became naked from head to toe. But it was covered in bite marks left by the man who cornered her to the cliff by his words. Rowena looked at her body in the mirror. The marks were still vivid.

"Come in here, your highness."

She turned to the man who prepared the bath for her. Approaching the near destination, she put herself in the bathtub. When she sat down, Mikhael wetted her hair, powdered shampoo in his palm, and put it on. He brushed the blonde hair gently. After a few minutes, he then ran his palm over her smooth skin to wash her body. 

Rowena gasped a little when he brushed his palm over her nipples. She raised her head up and started breathing heavily as if she was aroused. His hot palm scrolled over her tummy and came back to her breasts. He fondled it lightly watching the princess enjoying the sensual sensation.

"Ahh… Mikhael… mmm…"

She grabbed his sleeve, looked up to the man who was fulfilling her physical desire, her eyes filled with ardore. The Duke leaned his face to hers and connected their lips after their eyes met for a few seconds.

She took the hot tongue, lifted her naked body up from the bath tube, water splashed on his clothes. One of the big hands placed itself on her butt and grabbed it. They kissed like that for a while and when she pulled her lips away, Mikhael reminded the woman.

"Wash up and have dinner first, your highness."

"Can't we do it just once?"

"I don't think your highness will stop once you get into it."

"Mikhael is so mean."

She hugged the man. Soaked him with the water on her body.

"I missed you a lot."

"Let's eat first."

When Rowena all dressed up, they came to the dining room and had the meal. It was already late for dinnertime so Mikhael assumed Alisa has already ate.

While the princess was enjoying herself, another person who wasn't the maid showed up uninvited. Rowena looked at the woman who walked in silently as Mikhael also focused there.

"Good evening, your highness." Alisa.

"Good evening, Duchess. Have you eaten yet?"

Rowena asked with a smile on her face. It made Alisa felt a hint of anger in her chest.

"Yes, your highness, I have."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I came to see the Duke for a second since we haven't talked all day… and to greet your highness too."

"Take a seat."

She smiled at the princess who invited her to take a seat. Mikhael didn't say anything. He also didn't pay enough attention to the atmosphere between the two women and went back to reading the paperwork in his hand.

"How have you been, Duchess? Did Mikhael take good care of you?"

Alisa forced a smile to the indirect sarcastic question. She responded.

"Yes, he did."

"That's good to hear. Mikhael is unknowingly mean. He doesn't really care about people's emotions at all and he's blunt too! He will say and do whatever he sees fit."

"Your highness sounds like you know the Duke a lot."

"We've known each other since we were young."

Mikhael confirmed on the princess's behalf. Alisa opened her mouth slightly, she had to take a breath and find what to say.

"The Duke must have a really good relationship with her highness."

"You can say that. He's the only person I'm emotionally closest to."

"Is that so?"

"I'll come back."

Mikhael uttered before he left the dining room with paperworks in his hand. Alisa looked at the princess who focused on the food on her plate.

"May I request your highness a question?"

Rowena lifted her face.

"The bruises on Mikhael's face… was it done by your highness?"

The Princess's gaze darkened at the question.

"What happened then? He refused to tell me anything."

Alisa sounded serious and her tone of talking was a bit rude. It was completely different from when Mikhael was here. Rowena got a little triggered by the behaviour.

"Mikhael already refused to bring up the matter and you still insist on asking?"

"Yes. Because he's my husband and I'm worried about him."

"Why don't you ask me when he was here? Because you know he will dislike your behaviour on doing so?"

Alisa clenched her fist while Rowena lifted the glass of water and drank it before she continued.

"If Mikhael didn't bring it up to you, that means it is none of your business, Duchess. Did he tell you to worry? If he did not, don't bother yourself with it."

"Your highness said that like your highness wasn't the one who demands everything."

"Duchess Alisa, please mind the way you talk to me. However, I never tell him to hide anything from his wife, if he wants to, he can tell you, I didn't forbid that."

Alisa stayed silent as Rowena got up from her seat.

"I'm not going to be quiet about this as you behaved over the line. Find any excuses you could to explain everything to Mikhael. I will let him deal with you. Don't ask me questions Mikhael refuses to tell you again, you won't get anything from it."

As she approached the door, Rowena glanced at the woman's back.

"And please behave like what was said in the contract you had with Mikhael. Now that you acted like that, I doubt you've read it carefully. You signed for it. You knew what you came here for. If you can't share a husband, divorce him. He gave you the right to divorce him at any time, no?" 

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