Chapter Fifteen | It Dont Hurt Like It Used To

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It Don't Hurt Like It Used To, by Billy Currington

   As the day carried on, Draco couldn't help but worry about Hermione. She was the only thing he could think about. If she was safe, what she was doing, whether or not she remembered him. It had been so nice being able to hold her again. Especially after the hard week he'd had. But it made it even harder knowing that his efforts were practically pointless. Draco frowned. He didn't want to think like that. That it was all for nothing. But until that potion was finished or the culprit was caught, he would always end up right back at square one.

   Draco shook his head, trying to remain optimistic. Like Hermione had. Even after he told her everything that was going on, she remained hopeful. How could he do any less? Besides, there was a slight a chance she would remember everything he had told her that morning. Perhaps the perpetrator hadn't seen them together. If so, all Hermione and Draco had to do was keep their conversation a secret. From everyone. Even Ginny and Theo. The less opportunity the perpetrator had to overhear them, the better off they would be.

   The only thing Draco had to worry about now, was the fact that whoever his father had hired was following them both. If they had been followed after their Potions class, it was unlikely that Hermione's memory hadn't been erased yet. Draco let out a shallow sigh. He wanted to remain optimistic, like she would, but it was difficult. He was in a school full of witches and wizards. It could be any one of them. Not to mention the fact that they would soon have students from two other schools as well. But for the time being, Draco decided not to worry about the new students arriving. They shouldn't pose as much of a threat to him. Or so he thought...

   Just a few more hours until Draco and Hermione would have Defense Against the Dark Arts together. Defense Against the Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures were the only classes that they shared that day other than Potions. They hadn't had the opportunity to talk during Hagrid's class. He was too busy trying not to be eaten by Hagrid's horrid creation, blast-ended skrewts.

   But since they had not been able to speak since that morning, the anxiety had been eating at him ever since they parted ways. He wasn't exactly sure how he would find out if Hermione remembered him without causing a scene. God knows what happened last time he tried to approach her when her memory had been removed... She'd nearly broken his nose. But Draco assumed she would have some way of signaling him if her memory was still intact.

   Fortunately for Draco, the hours passed rather quickly once he stopped thinking about it, and Defense Against the Dark Arts had been approached. As soon as Divination ended, Draco packed his books and made his way to the third floor, where their DADA classes took place. When he reached the classroom, Draco took his usual seat and sat his things down. He searched the room, disappointed to find no sign of Hermione yet. Although it didn't surprise him. He was earlier than most students. There were only two other students in the room, and as it appeared, they had only arrived early to get a few undisturbed minutes of snogging in.

   Draco sighed, unloading his books, spare parchment, and quills. It was only seconds later, that students began to file in. Slowly at first, but then by the groups. He began looking for Hermione. After a little while, a large group had passed his desk, and Draco looked down to see a small piece of parchment, folded and tattered, laying on his desk. Draco smirked slightly, picked it up, and read what it said. He then looked up and made eye contact with her, giving her a simple nod and smiling before averting his gaze.

   So far all of my memories are intact. We must keep our interactions to a minimal if we want it to stay that way. I have done some digging on ingredients that might help with the potion. Meet me at the edge of the Great Lake on the north-east side after class. Make sure you aren't followed, and we can discuss what to do from here.

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