Chapter Eleven | Good Grief

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Good Grief, Bastille

Draco sat in dismay and disbelief amongst the other Slytherins in the Great Hall. He stared at Hermione longingly. It was hard to believe that just a few hours ago he had been so happy and relieved to see her, comforted by her very presence. Especially after what had happened with his parents that morning. When now...? Now he was in even more pain inwardly. She was truly scared of him. He'd startled her when he approached her. The thought made him physically sick and he thought he might vomit. Draco couldn't stand the fact that someone had defiled her in his form.

It was hard to live with himself knowing it had happened and she believed it was his fault when he wasn't even the one who had done it. But what hurt, even more, was that Draco had been powerless to stop it. He should have fought harder. Thought of a better spell. Anything. Anything to stop the woman he loved from being violated and hurt like that. Anything to stop her from thinking he would ever do something so despicable and vile. But it was too late. Maybe he really was as weak as his father led him to believe. If he was powerless against another student, how could he ever hold his own against a death eater or even Voldemort? How could he ever protect those he loved?

Draco sighed and looked over at Theo who was chatting with Blaise and Pansy. He was surprised that Pansy hadn't rubbed the victory of Draco and Hermione's breakup in anybody's face yet. In fact, she seemed to slightly pity Draco. She scowled at Hermione, but Draco still held her favor. Still, Draco knew it was most likely an act to get back in his good graces. She still had a crush on him. There was a time he considered her a close friend but as of recently, he didn't want anything to do with her. As he got older, Draco realized that all she was interested in was his wealth and his title. He didn't want fake friends anymore. At least Theo didn't care about or need his wealth or title to be friends. Blaise didn't really care either. As for Crabbe and Goyle, they just blindly followed him because their parents told them they should.

With a quick glance towards the Gryffindor table, Draco spotted Hermione. He noted that she was in a rather foul mood, arguing with the house ghost. "Do they get paid?" she asked in reference to the house elves that worked in the kitchens. "They get holidays, don't they? And, and sick leave, and pensions, and everything?" Draco smirked. The argument continued until the weasel joined in and Hermione refused to eat anymore. "Slave labor," she said, breathing hard through her nose. Draco enjoyed seeing Hermione have an attitude with the weasel as she continued, "That's what made this dinner. Slave labor." Draco laughed, finding her reaction rather cute but soon regretted it. Hermione turned back to see Draco chuckling slightly. She grumbled. Hermione shot him a dirty look and he stopped laughing and his face fell. She gave him a spiteful smirk and then turned back around.

With a sigh, Draco turned back around. How was he going to fix this? Theo clamped a hand on Draco's shoulder. "Don't worry, mate. We're gonna find a way to get her back. Besides, you said you have a plan right?"

Draco sighed. "Yes, but it's dangerous. And there's no guarantee that it will work. Even if we perfect it, I don't want to risk using it on her first."

Theo frowned. "Using? Using what?! I thought this was a revenge plan."

"Shhh!" Draco looked around to see if anyone was listening. Nobody's focus seemed to be on them because Dumbledore had now stood up. "I'll tell you the plan in our dorms."

A few moments later Dumbledore's voice boomed, gathering the children's attention. "So!" the old professor said, smiling around at them all. "Now that we are all fed and watered, I must once more ask for your attention, while I give out a few notices." He paused before continuing. "Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle has this year been extended to include Screaming Yo-yos, Fanged Frisbees, and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs. The full list comprises some four hundred and thirty-seven items, I believe, and can be viewed in Mr. Filch's office, if anybody would like to check it."

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