Chapter Four | Trouble

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Trouble, by Taylor Swift

   Hermione woke to the sounds of people screaming, crying and running. Startled, she jumped out of bed and shook Ginny awake. Ginny's eyes were wide with fear and Hermione helped her it of the bunk bed. Silently thankful for the fact that she'd fallen asleep in her clothes, Hermione hurriedly threw on her jacket and made her way out of her room. Ginny was right on her tail in slippers and a robe.

Outside, flames could be seen and people were raging, running around through the madness. Hermione didn't understand what had happened. Was there a wildfire? Did someone forget to put out heir campfire? These were he first thoughts that had come to mind but they were quickly diminished when the girls made their way outside.

   When the girls exited the tent, Hermione bumped into Harry and Ron. She turned to Mr. Weasley who was giving out instructions. "What's going on?!" She asked hurriedly.

"It's a raid! Death Eaters have been spotted!"

Hermione gasped and Harry looked confused. "What are Death Eaters?"

Hermione rolled her eyes even amidst the turmoil. "They're his followers Harry!" Harry's eyes widened and his mouth formed an o.

   Mr. Weasley continued to give out instructions and ordered Hermione, Ron, and Harry to stay together while Ginny was to stick with the twins. Ultimately, they were all supposed to remain together but if they had to or upon the scenario that they were to be separated then those were the groups. Mr. Weasley explained that there was a clearing in the forest that many witches and wizards were taking safety in. He told them that they were to go there and join many of their fellow friends. By the time Mr. Weasley has finished explaining, the flames had spread and were nearly to their tent.

So Mr. Weasley told them to remember their groups and stick together and he went off to help the ministry officials take the spreading flames. Hermioen said I silent prayer, hoping that no one would get hurt tonight. She watched until Mr. Weasley was out of sight, then she was pulled away by Harry who was holding her arm.

   Harry and Ron dragged Hermione away as the six of them entered the forest. Fred and George led the way, walking side by side as the rest of them followed. Harry and Ron stuck close together and Ginny and Hermione likewise. Ginny looked afraid. Hermione took Ginny's hand in her own and gave her a soft smile, trying to assure her that everything would be okay.

Hermione could hear voices in the distance and smiled. But something caught her attention. Harry and Ron were whispering amungst themselves and she could clearly hear Ron saying, "I'll bet that ferret is with them. His father's a death eater, why wouldn't he be with them?"

   With a short gasp, Hermione realized that they were talking about Draco. The thought of him being with the Death Eaters hadn't crossed her mind. But now that the idea was in her head a horrible feeling settled in her stomach. Was Draco accompanying his father and the other Death Eaters? Hermione shook her head. No. Draco didn't want anything to do with the Death Eaters. He hadn't wanted any part of their villainous ways. Then another thought came to mind. What if his father had threatened him into it? The thought sickened Hermione and made her stomach turn. Draco didn't deserve to be pressured into the decision let alone be threatened or abused to join them.

But the thought also remained that Draco maybe wanted to join them. He had said himself that it had been something he'd always wanted. To take his father's place and join the Death Eaters, serving under the Dark Lord. Another thing that came to mind was the fact that when Draco had said he didn't want to they had been dating. And if he had been acting the entire time of their relationship then he was probabaly only lying when he said he didn't want anything to do with Voldemort.

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