Scott x male reader (fluff)

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Scott was totally fucked .... this is not how his life was supposed to be. He's a werewolf  , Jackson whitmore wanted to beat the absolute shit out of him , and hes in love with dereks little brother (y/n)  ,  he didnt know which problem was the worst .... it was definitially either being in love with (y/n) or being a werewolf , he had a hard enough time contoling his emotions before peter gave him the bite now it was worse , he couldnt be around (y/n) without his heart beat sky rocketing , which led to him wolfing out and he didnt want (y/n) to see him and find out he cant control himelf , he was a true alpha that had no control ... (y/n) was a beta who had everything under control , he really didnt understand he was more powerful and should have had more control but he didnt and he didnt want to seem less supirior to (y/n) , so he tried his best to avoid him. Today avoiding him wasn't possible , Scott and stiles where headed to Derek's loft for a pack meeting and (y/n) was going to be there. Scott was internally freaking out the entire drive to the loft and when they eventually pulled up to the house Scott didn't dare to make any movement, he stayed still in his seat watching stiles climb out of the jeep " you coming in Scotty , or are you just gonna sit there and stare at my dashboard" stiles said pulling Scott out of the trance like state he was in. Scott only nodded in response as he unbuckled and opened the Jeep door , Scott jogged to the door with stiles just wanting to get this over with. Scott was met with the sight of all of his friends and (y/n) scattered around the loft talking and playing on there phones , playfully chastising one another. Scott looked to (Y/n) until he looked to him and Scott turned away quickly like a giddy school girl would when there crush stared at them making (y/n) chuckle, "you blushing over there Scotty"
He asked playfully corking a brow at Scott who just shook his head and smiled trying his hardest to get the pink to leave his face. Stiles walked past Scott and slid onto the couch next to Lydia who was beside (y/n) leaning into him to show him her phone making Scott somewhat jealous , he of course knew it meant nothing and that (y/n) was into guys and him and Lydia were practically siblings but some part of Scott couldn't help but want to be close to (y/n) instead of Lydia. Scott shook his head trying to rid himself of the thoughts that had no reason to capture his attention, he walked over to the couch and sat beside (y/n) feeling anxiety creeping up on him as he did so. (Y/n) looked over to Scott sensing his anxiety and grabbed his hand gently causing Scott to look to him confusion clear on his face , "you ok Scotty?" (Y/n) breathed out softly skimming over Scott's face once more causing Scott to blush a deep pink and nod quickly pulling his hands away from (y/n) causing his face to fall and Scott to feel guilty. Scott offered a small smile making (y/n) smile back at him, "anyone want a drink?" (Y/n) spoke looking around the room gaining a chorus of yeahs and many nods, "I'll go grab the drinks if Scott could help me carry them all ?" (Y/n) spoke glancing at Scott who perked up and nodded standing up after (y/n) and followed him into the lofts kitchen. The two boys walked over to the fridge and began to grab sodas for everyone letting a silence fall over the room. (Y/n) glanced to Scott and prepared to speak, "you have any plans this weekend?" Scott looked up caught off guard but nonetheless began to shake his head frantically making a grin spread across (y/n)'s face "do you maybe want to go out with me ... on a date if your ok with that?" The (hair color) headed boy spoke a brow corked in question. Scott grinned a wide grin and nodded "sure that sounds really fun and I-uh would love you I-i mean to, I would love to" Scott said stuttering over his words and blushing a bright pink. "Let's go Scotty and we can talk about it more later tonight? I'll call you whenever you want me to" the boy spoke grabbing Scott's arm and pulling him back into the lofts living room to distribute the sodas amongst there friends. The two boys sat back down on the couch (y/n) lifted his arm and swung it behind the couch letting Scott's neck rest against his forearm, the boys legs touching and wide grins spread across both of there faces that everyone else in the loft failed to notice, leaving the two boys in there own world.

Word count: 844 words

AUTHORS NOTE: I'm back once again guys and I believe this is for good , just most likely with slow updates. I realized that the only reason I felt like I wasn't capable of posting was because I tried to rush myself or go to slowly , I think I have a good pace and writings been my escape Recently so this seems like a great idea :)

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