Malia x reader (fluff)

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I woke up to the sun shining through the open space between the black curtains I had hung over my window causing the light from the sun to cast over my eyes eliciting a light groan from me as I rolled over attempting to shield my face from the pesky sun and get back to sleep for however longer I would be able to until Malia arrived before school. Of course the world had other plans for me that didn't involve even a minute of sleep but rather the loud chirping of birds and the yells of children and there parents being exchanged during there morning routines, there was the occasional bark of a dog and a few car horns going off and it seemed like minor noise but with enhanced werewolf hearing there was no chance of me getting taken over by sleep this morning. I rolled back over and leaned over to my bedside table to grab my phone immediately Turing the blinding brightness of my screen down before I began to look through all my notifications, there were a few from Netflix , tumblr , instagram and a couple of emails that weren't to important causing me to archive the notifications and scroll down to the remaining ones from my friends and a few from my girlfriend, though most of them consisted of meaningless things such as a few memes from Mason and some cool new lacrosse gear Liam picked out and wanted to show me , there were a few from stiles that revolved around the packs latest issues , one from Scott asking about how he should make a move on Alison And lastly two messages from Malia the first telling me she would be at my house by 7:30 and the second message letting me know we would be taking today as are Ditch day. I sent a laughing crying emoji back to Mason , two thumbs ups to Liam along with a message telling him the gear would look good on him , told Scott to just relax that Allison likes him and not to overthink things, told stiles I would look into the articles he sent me and lastly replied to Malia saying that I would see her when she got here and I was totally into the idea of skipping school today sense I didn't do my essay yet. Liam and Mason looked at the messages , stiles replied with a thank you , Scott replied telling me I'm right and thanked me for the advice , and Malia replied saying she was on her way and that she grabbed some food for us making me reply with a heart emoji , earning a heart emoji back. I set my phone on my bedside table before slipping out from under my covers and walking to my dresser not bothering to fix my bed knowing that Malia and I would end up Back in my bed which made the task of making my bed pointless. I grabbed one of the first shirts I saw in my dresser which happened to be one of stiles shirts that he bought for lacrosse , this one was a nice grey shade with a black check mark on the side of chest , I pulled out a pair of shorts and some new socks and underwear before swiftly walking to my bathroom to take a quick shower hoping that I would be done when Malia arrived at my house. I washed my hair as quick as possible before i scrubbed my body down and rinsed myself off , proceeding to step out of the shower onto the cool linoleum tiles of my bathroom drying myself off with the towel I had set out on to the counter. I pulled my clothes on wrapping up my hair with my towel to let it dry while I brushed my teeth and rinsed my face off gently. I took the towel off and quickly dried off any bits of my hair that where still damp. I walked out of the bathroom and hung my towel on the back of my door to dry before walking over to my bed once more grabbing the tv remote and setting up Netflix for when Malia arrived , I heard my phone vibrate on my bedside table signaling that someone was calling me , I walked over to the bedside table lifting my phone to see Malias contact flashing across my screen, I picked up the phone pressing the accept button and putting Malia on speaker while I proceeded to look around for my sweatshirt. "Hey baby" Malias voice Rang out and I could practically hear the smile on her face " hey baby , you almost here?" I spoke back softly realizing it was taking her longer than usual today "yeah I'm pulling onto your street now but I wanted to make sure your door was unlocked" I nodded forgetting Malia couldn't see me before speaking " it's unlocked my mom left for work and she doesn't usually lock it once she leaves for the day" I chuckled lightly a small smile tugging at my lips "in the drive way" she said softly and I could hear her taking the keys out of the ignition "I'll see you when you get up here" I said before hanging up and setting my phone down. I heard the front door open and close before Malias footsteps bounded up the stairs to my bedroom door , she pushed the door open with her foot as she balanced two bags of food in her hands with her keys clutched in between her teeth , I giggled at her as I walked up to her taking the keys out of her mouth and pressing a kiss to her lips before taking the food from her hands and setting in on the table. I flopped on the bed before opening my arms beckoning Malia to join me "come here I want to lay down and watch tv" Malia laughed lightly while walking over to me and climbing into the bed with me tugging me Into her warm embrace as I grabbed the remote and began to flick through shows and movies "what do you wanna watch baby" I asked softly glancing up at her causing Malia to look down at me and shrug "I don't mind baby really you can pick" she said before lightly kissing my lips once more causing me to smile a lopsided smiled when she pulled back. I picked the vampire diaries before leaning over and grabbing the food placing the bags on Malias lap "there you go m'lady" I grinned a dorky grin as she playfully swatted my head away before opening the bags up taking one container for herself before handing the second container to me " that's two blueberry pancakes with a banana cut up on the side and there should be a small thing of syrup in there" Malia said handing me a fork for my food I smiled at her and nodded grabbing the fork before opening the container beginning to eat my food slowly "is this the show with the two guys who fight over that one girl?" Malia asked earning a laugh from me "yeah it's Damon and Stefan there brothers and there both fighting over Elena Gilbert but it's only because she looks a lot like Katherine the ex girlfriend they share" I said trying to get Malia all caught up on the show "they share the same ex?" She said looking confused "yeah they both dated her at pretty much the same time" I said nodding " oh wow that's a little odd I think? That's weird right" I nodded "totally weird babe" I said taking a small bite of my food before placing my food on the table beside me , Malia copying my actions before lifting her arm up for me to be able to cuddle into her which I happily did , we layed in that position for what felt like hours watching tv , Malia was running her fingers through my hair making me feel sluggish , sleep creeping up on me as I shifted further into Malia. I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness the last thing I heard being Malias voice "good night baby" as she lightly pressed a kiss to my temple.


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