Chapter 13

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It was a car.
Yet, it wasn't an ordinary car.
It was one of those old fashioned sports cars.
It was beautiful.
It was a pastel pink with shimmery silver rims.
The interior was a light tan color.
On the windshield I saw a blue card.
I picked it up and read it.

"We hope you have a wonderful birthday. We love you lots. -5 seconds of summer"
I thought it was weird that they put their band name but it was cute.

"I love you guys so much!" I said in between sobs.
"Okay okay we love you too just don't die." Michael said laughing.

I playfully punched him in the arm and hugged all of the guys.
They were such weirdos, but they were my weirdos.

"Soooooo Princess..." Calum said with a smile.
"How about we take you out? Any place you'd like."
I'm glad they wanted to take me out but I didn't really want to go out.
"Can we order Chipotle and stay inside? Maybe we could watch some movies."
"Whatever you'd like. It's your birthday."

We started picking up the trash from popped balloons, wrapping paper, and the bow from my car. Next thing I know it starts to rain. It wasn't raining hard yet, but we rushed to put the car in the garage.
Once Michael put the car in the garage we went inside.

"Oh wait! Michael cover Elaina's eyes! I forgot about something." Luke yells from the kitchen.
Michael hurries and covers my eyes.
Next thing I knew I feel something furry against my leg.
"Guys if this is something else I'm going to be really weirded out." I said kind of nervous.
Michael uncovered my eyes and I see a little bulldog puppy.
"Oh my god! She's beautiful!" I yelled.
She had a beautiful pink spiked collar.
I guess they wanted her to be punk rock.
After all the commotion we all sit on the couch, of course me cuddling next to Luke, and watch a movie. We watched my favorite movie, Peter Pan. Me and Luke held hands and on my lap was my puppy, Evelyn.

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