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Them as your boyfriends

-The type of boyfriend who would be secretly be protective of you.
-Like when you are going on a mission he would sneakily put other things in your bag such as extra clothing, materials, maps and etc.
-And if he was jealous he would just glare at the person you are talking with, or just mumble something under his breath.
-He also likes it when you hug him from behind, play with his ears basically any kind of physical touch.

-The type of boyfriend who is very clingy in private.
-When he is sick he cuddles you, when he doesn't feel good he cuddles you, if he is stressed he cuddles you, basically will cuddle you 24/7 if he could.
-He would just hold your hand or an arm around your waist in public since he doesn't do pda that often unless someone is flirting with you.
-He would also invite you on study dates, walk in the dessert at night.

-The type of boyfriend who will buy you anything.
-If he saw you look or merely just galnce at something at the store the next day it is at your nightstand.
-he would also be kind of awkward when it comes to affection so you will be the one hugging him and such.
-He also can't cook so you would have to take care of that.

-The type of boyfriend who would friendzone you.
-He may be your lover but he would literally treat you like a friend, makes it seems like you both are just best friends.
-In which kaeya would often laugh about it to his brother every night when his at the tavern.
-he doesn't show that much emotion unless you get hurt or someone is doing something bad to you and that's when he starts to be protective (like a friend)
-Since he is still new to this stuff, he would really try his best for you and he doesn't even know that he is friend zoning you until someone points it out.

-The type of boyfriend who looks like a flirt but is technically shy.
-he may be a charmer at the ladies but he would be shy to ask you just to kiss him.
-he would also be all blushy on the first day's of your relationship, when he kiss you he blushes when he compliments you he blushes.
-but as your relationship goes on he starts to act normal around you but is still shy sometimes.

-The type of boyfriend who uses PDA everywhere.
-Kisses check, hugs check, cuddles check and yeah. But if you are uncomfortable he would try to keep it on a bare minimum just for his beloved.
-And expect him to sing to you every now and then.

-The type of boyfriend who needs to be taken care of 24/7.
-You two would always go out for adventures and since he has bad luck following him every where and any where.
-So you would be the one who would be the one taking care of him, cooking him meals, and helping him in almost everything and he always repays you back with a kiss on the cheek sometimes on the lips.

-The type of boyfriend who would always stay by your side.
-He loves your company so much that he sometimes get jealous when the little wolves of his pack play with you.
-If you are going to the city his there, at the library there, he would never leave you alone unless you tell him to in which he would be sad abit.
-But when you come back with hash browns his happy again, smiling and hugging you tightly.

-The type of boyfriend who is clueless.
-He doesn't know what to do and how to act sometimes he would just stand there like a statue when you kiss him.
-He once asked childe for advice not a good idea since he told him to dance with you in the rain but xiao doesn't know how to dance and you got sick.
-He got worried about so he stayed by your side until you recovered.
-His trying his best tho <3

-The type of boyfriend who would give very good advice.
-If you need advice about anything his there for you, how to comfort someone, how to act around someone you dislike and such.
-He would also take good care of you, he really appreciates it when you comfort him and tell him his your favorite archon.

-The type of boyfriend who would treat you like royalty.
-Since he is from a well known family he knows how to act and how to treat a lady.
-He really would treat you like a princess, if you need something he got it for you, if you want to go adventuring with him its a go!
-He also likes it when you read to him, it makes him fall asleep easily and forgets his problems and its just you and him against the world.

-The type of boyfriend who loves holding your hand.
-When you are going to help him with his job he holds your hand, when you go to xianglang's restaurant he holds your hand, when you meet his aunty he holds your hand.
-He really cares about you and when he is doing exorcism he thinks about you even when the soul/ghosts is infront of him sometimes.

-The type of boyfriend who would gets extremly happy when he sees you.
-He would hug you when he sees you, his tail would start wagging just by the sight of you.
-He would often come home late and he would take a shower get dressed then cuddle you, but when he gets home early its a full on cuddle session.
-He would kiss you when his going to work, when he trains, when he wakes up, before he falls asleep, when he sees you.

-The type of boyfriend who is the housewife.
-When you try to clean he would either stop you or carry you to bed to stop you from doing it. But when his out and you cleaned the house he would praise you then cook you dinner or he would kiss you and hug you tightly.
-He loves it when you hug him from behind and suprise him at work with bringing him lunch.

-The type of boyfriend who would treasure you like gold.
-He doesn't know how he made you fall for him when he is basically working 24/7.
-He would share his boba with you, he gets excited when you visit him and thoma has to calm him down sometimes.
-He likes it when you kiss his mole.

-The type of boyfriend who would make sure everyone knows your his.
-When you accepted his confession, he lifted you up and spinned you making you smile.
-He would either kiss you, hug you or say "Look that's my lover over there!! See how beautiful/handsomthey are!" He said as he pointed at you from the stage.
-He boasts about it to every single person.

-The type of boyfriend who is secretly attached to you.
-He never knew that someone would like him or merely even fall for him since he considered himself as unlovable.
-So it was a suprise when you told him that you liked him and ever since then he kept you close with him.
-You two are never seen without the other following from behind. He would always be with you.
-He sometimes can be seem following you like a lost puppy.

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