Episode XXVI~ A Broken Prince

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How to slay a King?

Either make him crapulous with airs or take a woman, dress her up in satin silk, put a crown on her head, and give her a dagger to stab him in the heart when he is squirming in throes of passion.

But the young girl from Shivpuri who was fated to a beast king used none of the strategies. To make the mighty being, who is both feared and treasured by his people, feel utterly helpless, she used the oldest tactic in the book. The wife completely ignored her husband and pretended like no 6 ft giant was scrutinizing her every move while walking on eggshells, dreading if she is in the process of losing her mind or already lost it.

After the promises were made from his side, Gauri realized she didn't get the truth. He explained why she was important to him but he failed to reveal the past and reason behind Kirti's demise. It was understandable that it was a sensitive topic but after learning the true nature of Royal blood, she deserved to know that bit for she was expected to stand on that pedestal one day. The trauma which Kirti suffered might come for her as well. But Gauri refused to batt eyelashes at the matter. She expected him to disclose the truth and nullify the queries eating her entrails and take the first step in becoming the man he guaranteed to be.

She decided she has given Yagya enough space by hiding behind insecurities, fearing her meager presence might offend him. She was done mulling over his intelligence and superiority as opposed to her diminutive knowledge about things. For him to accept her, first she has to accept herself. Being born into a poor family isn't a crime. She got all the luxuries her parents could afford in that little abode.

In the Palace, she is constantly judged for not being highborn and frowned upon for marrying someone out of her league.

She must always remember that it wasn't her who willingly went to the Royal court and demanded to marry the King. The Ranas came to her house with the proposal. She was unique and of grave importance. She was his equal that is why they were looking for her.

A little boost of confidence is all she needed to start a new day.

Yagya's eyes followed her like a vulture as he buttons the white shirt a servant brought a few minutes ago. He had already showered in her bathroom and admired the shade of magenta saree complimenting her milky skin. Gauri emerged from the closet all dressed for the day. From this day, she decided to dress accordingly. The previous way of wearing simple clothing and not caring about status has somewhat backfired. She needs to remind people of her place, not the other way around. She was the better half of the King and demanded as much respect.

The diamond mangalsutra was fastened around her neck and gold ornaments adorned her body. She replaced the tiny anklets with heavy ones. Their chime was so loud, she was sure it would alert every breathing being in the palace of her arrival from a mile away. A gold choker with intricate design engraved by the finest artisans was hooked around her neck and diamond and golden bangles filled her wrists.

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