Pharmacy SOUL

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Everyone knows a pharmacy full of shelves full of boxes and bottles of medicine. Are antibiotics, vitamins, amino acids and a host of other substances. The pharmacy we know exists to cure the ills of our physical body, our carnal matters. And when the pain, suffering and diseases are in the soul and not the physical body? What we do to seek spiritual healing of these evils? Just as the physical body needs medicine to cure diseases, the soul also needs the same care.

Is there a pharmacy Soul? If there is, where do we find? How it presents itself to us? That appearance and shape these remedies have imagined? The elements used in the composition of these remedies are the words, the raw material of language, textual structure (molecular) that will compose each medicine needed to cure various ailments of the human soul.

What is the origin of these diseases of the soul? The origin comes from the reality of everyday life, everyday human experiences, failures, fatigue, stress, disappointments, defeats, loss, abandonment, loneliness, unhappiness, bitterness and a multitude of other sources negative.

How to cure these diseases? It is not easy to achieve a cure and find the right remedy for each problem. Establish harmony, vibrant energy of a healthy mind requires a positive attitude towards life.

Unlike physical remedy, the remedy of the human soul is well tolerated, does not need right dosage or contra-indications. The more you soak those words in context, grouped and summarized in text form, the stronger, the more the soul and inner structure.

One must acquire a posture of faith before the text. Read patiently, savoring each piece with ease and expertise of a good taster. It is also essential to use reason and emotion smoothly and seamlessly. Each word, each phrase, each section represents a contextualized piece of the human soul and the feelings of the author.

Healing happens in a magical, miraculous, inexplicable and individual. Each being carries within him the gift of healing, ideas, desires, human values, distinctly. The same text can cure a lot of pain, suffering caused by very different feelings and emotions. Each person needs a specific ingredient to cure his illness. A single word may be sufficient to achieve this effect. There are people who only achieve a cure after reading and rereading several times the same texts. Each has its rate of healing, the time required to respond within themselves the positive vibes emanating from observation or experience of life synthesized by the author in the text.

Do not just read the text and just stay locked up inside yourself. You need to eat inside each fragment read and observed. This means drafting her own life. Delete thinking everything is negative so you can get new information and can be added to new ideas, new concepts. It is precisely in this way that achieves the cure of diseases of the soul, allowing yourself to change attitudes, ideas that are causing this disruption interior.

Use and abuse of Pharmacy of the human Soul. It is a pharmacy practically free. Many formulators are anonymous and it can be found anywhere, even emblazoned on the wall of a public bathroom, on the bumper of a truck, a forgotten ticket on a park bench, a piece of paper lying on the ground. It is a pharmacy whose remedies not only cure the sick, but also strengthen the healthy. Indicate that pharmacy so fabulous to all your friends and all those you love and want only good. Here's a nice gift for anyone you love so much.

Whenever shine before your eyes a remedy for the soul, even if not needing no cure, read it carefully with understanding and comprehension. No hurry. Taste each word, each phrase as if it were the last drop of honey. And most important: always have faith, great faith and perseverance in life.

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