The WHO LOVES AND WHO cheating

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The person who loves you should never be confused with that which deceives.

Who loves you, when asked, not hiding secrets of the past, life experience, not fears or defects. Sometimes hides the secrets of the heart, waiting for the right moment to reveal this love for you. Hiding in fear, fear of losing it.

Who does not tell you the tricks defects, uses cunning and good marketing to tell advantages of personal life. Apparently it is always a successful person, courageous, outgoing, full of initiative, a perfect being flawless, without error, a victor in life, always upbeat and smiling. With so many qualities into one being, it's impossible not to fall in love! The fools because we are human. As humans we are not perfect, have flaws. Also make mistakes, saddened, discouraged about life. About this hides himself is lying and deceiving. Beware of this type of being. They are the worst and the most dangerous in existence. They are able to blind her, deceive her with this excess of beauty and sensuality free.

Who loves is inspired to write beautiful poems full of true feelings and is proud to show the world that these words represent that love you. How many women in the world would not want to be the muse of inspiration of a poet sincere? Few have that privilege, and few recognize this gesture a great proof of true love. And this is unfortunate!

Who deceives copies these poems made by those who love her, and fills them with perfume and brightness to seduce her by smell and hypnotize her image formed by the arrangement of those words so beautiful.

Who loves you, perhaps frightened by the intensity of that love which looks more like an obsession, an incurable disease. It is the hope of one day share the warmth of your heart. Do not be afraid of love. Let it penetrate your soul. Know it before you judge him hastily, supported only on first impressions or external visual or in their fantasies or experiences of your past. If to love is an individual passenger to another, is eternal. And for you, what is love?

Who loves not disappoint. Whoever deceives, deludes also. And who wants to spend only deceives you with mere moments of pleasure. Just want to make you a disposable object, such that once used throw in the trash or on the filthy floor so we can trample him and feel his crying without pity or compassion.

Think before you disparage a good soul, before dropping to waste your life who could be the love that you have long been looking for. You have to walk a little further to meet the new environment in which you are entering. This means that you should find out what he likes to do on weekends, the kinds of friends he lives, their troubles and flavors to life.

Think before you throw yourself into the arms of one who talks too much. Keep in mind that you, as much as you want, will never change the mind of anyone even thinking. Be wise and hear the saying: "do not straighten crooked stick." This has a large element of truth. Hardly able to change ourselves, to imagine other? Therefore choose and live with someone who resembles their way of life, values and customs. Do not want to take the biggest step of the leg, because you'll end up stumbling and hurting deeply your heart, your feelings.

Who loves you, for you suffer in silence. Maybe you will never know that, because that person does not want you to see that you suffer not to cause any suffering.

Who deceives in a circle of friends, ends with his reputation, his innocence laughs at jokes with your feelings as if you were a doll made of plastic or straw. Mocks his kisses and calls it foolish. Sit victorious in having total control of you. These wheels friends you become a puppet or a doll submissive to commands from a remote control.

Who loves you and who deceives you can send the same text. However, only those who love her have patience to wait for you. Do not wait too long to decide and to meet this be called love, because love is like a seed needs light to shine your eyes, you need the lifeblood of your kisses and the warmth of his affection to survive. In fact, love does not die imagine how many fools does, it will only be dormant and could be overwhelmed by the time and overlaid with new seeds of love.

The best way to find out who loves you and who deceives, is paying attention to the state of mind of that person. Who loves is like your own image, your reflection in the mirror: if you are sad, for sure for some time she will be sad too if you're happy, smiling, her countenance reflect that its same joy. That person will always be, at any moment your image. She will always want to be right next to you, ready to help her in small and big events in your life. Who loves you, live in harmony with their emotions, is sensitive to their actions. Knowing how you're feeling, she'll find a way to make you happy if you're sad, and to share their joy of this, if you are happy.

If you are experiencing a moment of disbelief in love, do not be overcome by what happened in his past. The best way to get rid of those bad memories and experiences is allowing yourself to open the doors of the heart to a new love without fears, without sorrow, without the desire for revenge that brought the inheritance of his dark past. Build a new story in your life, unlike anything that has ever lived so far. This depends largely not only his fate, but his pure willpower and initiative.

It is worth loving again. Is it worth risking. After all life is short and fleeting. If we can live it with someone that makes us feel alive and happy, will have been a major victory in our lives.

It's amazing how hard it is to believe in the words after being the victim of a love traitor, having our hearts often hurt and baffled by the bad luck of the draw. Maybe we have to know pain to mature in love. Never give up. Maybe you have not learned to be humble in heart.

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