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How often do we worry about what people will think of the clothes we wear, the way you behave, the way we walk, the beauty of our physical body. Anyway, we often live according to the other, depending on the way they "think" that the people around us we see and consider. It ends in becoming a Mutant. And the way they dress or fashion. We invaded the salons not to satisfy our taste, but the taste of others. Unconsciously this is what happens. But we forget that when we need a helping any, these same people to whom we dress and direct our lives, we simply abandon the saddest sorrow and deepest contempt. We serve these people with all the beauty of fashion and physical, but when it's all over they simply trample and throw in the trash contempt.

How many attitudes, how we make decisions against our hearts because such actions do not match the values of the people who are around us? We are afraid of being excluded from this circle of friends because they make a choice not please everyone. Neither realized that doing so we weaken our personality and become more vulnerable to suffering. We must be what we are, authentic and grateful to God for our sincerity and not change what we are to meet the tastes of others. Percings, tattoos, all kinds of fashion and clubbing there, so nothing is superfluous and disposable as those things are products of our social manipulation. Incidentally, we cease to be ourselves, to follow our natural tendency of life to become a mere puppet or beautiful little robot taking attitudes and behavior guided by these momentary trends.

Be authentic and be real is able to ride a bus if you can not ride in a car or walking if you can not ride the bus without worrying about what people will think of it. Who walks the walk has a certain advantage to those who only goes by car. Walking is good for health, is something recommended by all doctors. However some people have to go to the corner bakery, has the audacity to take the car to the garage and will not walk out of shame or to remain on the throne of his status. Everything is done with exaggeration is harmful to physical and mental health. Of course it is also necessary to ride the bus and by car.

So if you want to meet the values of that society increasingly biased you will pay a very high price for it. For the more effort you make, will never satisfy everyone, because people who live in that environment follow two trends: those that manipulate these values to enrich themselves and remain in "power" and other people who monitor these values, charging his neighbor's these prejudiced attitudes, creating some competition between them to measure who have higher purchasing power, physical and social. When it is launched in the market a new shirt that has stamped a symbol of "power" (for example, a drawing of a bird), many are quick to buy it out in front of other mortals, even if they have to sacrifice other more important things in your life. Children are also induced to want certain toys. They tantrum, cry, tapping ...

This is just one example of the many that occur every moment. At school, there's always a kid most coveted. Perhaps the beautiful eyes, the more athletic physique, from the look more seductive or economic power by his parents. All the girls only speak and focus their attention on this kid. It turns that competition to see who is the most powerful girl to win the heart of this enchanted prince. Maybe she did not like the kid, but runs after him to show his other friends super powers of seduction. This is a transfer of power and status that occurs indirectly and unconsciously. We should not act like that, things like that are fleeting, just like a snap and only in satisfying a momentary desire. Acquire, hold, win something or someone just to show our fellow this guy done, it is much naivety, immaturity, poor attitude of people, easily manipulated.

It is wise to get what we really want is within yourself so that you can touch, explore, enjoy, enjoy, rebuild and get a bond of love getting stronger, a bond so consistent that it will add and multiply our values, our happiness, giving a true meaning to life.

Get rid of these ties, be yourself. Take control of your life and show the world that its simplicity is beautiful, that their values are worth more that the values that the world tries to impose as a rule, that your physical body is beautiful because it is fed and cared for their inner beauty, her smile is beautiful not because they are perfect and white, but because it is true. This sincerity is what matters to always be yourself: is the path that leads to happiness.

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