chapter 15

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I left my friends in search for Deuce, I spotted him across the room and began making my way there and looking around for some way to get people to leave, then as I was at least 20 steps from Deuce someone grabbed my ass, I turned to see some guy about six ft tall blonde with blue eyes, how apt this boys timing is,

"Hey pretty lady, how about you come and enter-" I slapped him straight across the face

"Touch me again and ill murder you" I said and his friends snickered and I continued walking but at a slower pace knowing full well he'd try and touch me again, the drunken confidence some males have really amazes me but as I knew he would he tried to grab my ass again but before he could get to whatever base that is I had his hand again,

"I thought I told you not to touch me" I said bending his arm about to snap it,

"I-I'm S-sorry!" he said scared that I'd snap his wrist, I dragged him over toward the stereo and flicked it off, the whole party looked toward me and booed, then I gave everyone a glare,

"PARTY IS OVER!" I yelled, then threw the guy I was dragging to the ground "Thanks to him" I said quieter and then we watched as an arrogant random male came up to me and flicked the sounds back on earning a few whoops and shouts, I spun back around once more and flicked it off,

"THE PARTY IS OVER! GET.OUT.NOW" I yelled pointing at the door, the same cocky random came up and grabbed me by the hips,

"Babe the party isn't over till I say so" he said flicking the switch again and grinding with me, I smiled politely, barely controlling my anger and grabbed his hand and judo flipped him to the ground standing on his throat with my heel, his eyes widened in surprise and he held his hands up in surrender, by now Paul, Jared, Leah and Deuce were standing by my side, the pack had there arms crossed as Deuce turned the music off.

Everyone left with a grumble and the guy under my heel practically ran out the door with the guy who's arm I almost snapped, I slumped down on the furniture where Deuce joined me,

"Why stop the celebrations? Is something wrong?" Deuce asked a bit down the party ended,

"We have to go back to la push" I said to him,

"What happened?" he asked I didn't really prepare for this, wolf still in the bag and all,

"Jake text me, didn't really give details but asked us all to come back" I said mentally hi fiving myself in my mind,

"Well then we should pack" he said getting up,

"Un Deuce, you're staying here you have school doofus" I said trying to stifle a laugh,

"Oh right forgot about that minor detail, well I'll just come visit in a few weeks time, term break" he said before looking around the room, "you should really clean this mess, your house is a pig sty" that earned him a slap and he just laughed getting a rubbish bag and the broom.

The house was clean with us all pitching in and I linked Jacob saying we'll be back in the morning as there were no flights so we all just stayed up talking before heading to the air port, I trudged my bags out the door kissed my hand and touched my dads photo before heading out, Deuce saw us off and a few hours later I was woken with a markless face and we were greeted by Jake and Embry.

We all had to wait till we reached Sam and Emilys house before we were to find out what was going on but Embry had a loud head so I already knew and by the looks so dis the pack,

"Sit" Sam ordered, I sat a little pissed But didn't understand where the sudden rage had cone from, Leah sat next to me and Paul behind me the everyone else sort of just dropped where they stood, I waited like Paul, Leah and Jared did for whatever was going on and to the reason why I had to shut down a perfectly good party even though there were more than enough jerks,

"Well then seeing as we are all here, there is an army of new born vampires headed our way and we are, ehem, teaming up with the Cullens to keep our land safe" Sam said, I just rolled my eyes and looked at Jacob,

"You did this didn't you" I accused him,

"Rosaline, he did sign us up but we must protect our land" Sam cut in,

"Let me guess, his precious Bella is in trouble, again" I snorted unladylike but could care less right now,

"Yes, she is, they were passing around her scent according to the weird one" Embry said,

"Her name is Alice" I said to him,
"Regardless the terms I will be there but for the pack and our land" I said to Sam who nodded gratefully.

"We have training with them shortly" Sam quickly added,

"That's fine by me" I said getting hyped by the thought of learning an inner monologue of a vampire,

"Bi-polar much" Embry punched my shoulder lightly,

"What?" I asked bouncing out of the house into the woods and without a care phased, it felt good to be back.

Two hours later.

"Hi guys" I beamed bright to the Cullens with the pack behind me,

"Oh they don't trust you enough to be in human form, i'll communicate" I smiled as Jacob went over to bella, and so it began...


So I only just realised that Ive messed up and mixed the second book with the third, so just to clarify this happens in the third ;) when the new born war happens, cheers!

Also it's like real late of me but I finally watched fast seven, OMG the feels man, I cried so much then theres the laughs, loved it.

Sorry for the late update, reals sorry its short been a tad busy! love love love love love love! xx

Candy 😘

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