Chapter 4

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We all began to walk up to the cliffs, even Jacob, that was to keep an eye on me, half way there I pounced on Jareds back because just walking was boring,

"Giddy up!" I shouted and he just laughed, cupped my thighs and ran with me on his back, I faintly heard Jacob growl and Embry laugh, I must admit I find Jared very hot, both heat and looks wise.

We finally got up to the cliffs and Jared put me down and we waited for Em and Jake,

"So I was wondering, how about you and I do something together, I mean just you and I?" Jared asked,

"Well if I didn't know any better i'd say you were asking me out" I leant on a rock to look at him,

"Well yeah actually" he smiled,

"Sounds g-" I was cut off by Jacob, like always "No"

"Oh quit it mom yes Jared I would like to go out" I smiled to which he beamed,

"What?" Embry asked just coming up the last hill,

"Jared asked me out, isn't that cute?" I asked pointing at a now bashfull Jared,

"Hey no fair we were supposed to do something!" Embry moaned,

"We did, we made a mess in my kitchen and you lost haha!" I laughed at him and he started to chase me,

"Oh no you don't" and Jared chased him and now us three were running aroun, at the edge of a cliff, so I used it to my advantage,

"Ta-ta!" I waved and back flipped of the cliff screaming for joy on my way down, once I emerged from the water I saw Jared and Embry wrestling eachother and then they toppled off landing close to me, first to emerge was Embry who I was laughing at, where was Jar-

"Hey!!" I yelped as Jared snaked his hand around my waist from behind,

"Oh well hello" I flirted,

"Get a room" Embry splashed us in the face,

"Em!" I screamed and lunge dived at him taking him under with me, the look on his face was pricless and we were all laughing in the water,

"Hey wanna race to the top?" Embry asked me,

"No, not really" I sighed dreading the fact that I had to climb back up,

"Oh come on!" he tried again,

"Neh, no incentive" I sighed again floating around,

"I'll carry you up" Jared offered, I shot up at that and nodded my head in glee, I then climbed on his back, again, and he got us up there in fiv minutes,

"What took you's so long?" Jacob was asking from his rock near the edge, then I had a wicked idea,

"Oh I was just you know with two males half naked in the water" I shrugged, both the boys were smiling and Jake stood up off the rock, I walked over him in pretend I was to calm him down, once I got close I shoved him off the edge and ran for my life, closely followed by Jared and Embry.

We made it to Emilys rather quickly and when we got there, barely breaking a sweat was when Sam looked up at us,

"What did you do?" Sam asked me with a raised eyebrow, Emily looking amused from the kitchen, by the way burgers and cookies in the oven, yum!

"Um, nothing" I shrugged,

"Rosaline BLACK! I will KILL YOU!!" I heard Jake shout from outside,

"Duck" Sam said and I ducked behind the table, yay Sams helping me!! Jacob walked in soaked and wet Embry and Jared stood infront of me so Jacob couldn't see and sam was sitting where he was when we arrived, news paper and all,

"Where is she?" Jake ground out,

"Who?" Sam and Emily asked, yay Emily is on my side!!

"Rosaline that's who" Jake asked again, by now I was playing with the boys legs and trying not to laugh,

"Haven't seen her" Sam shrugged,

"She was with those two idiots" Jake pointed to Jared and Em

"Hey that hurts" Jared covered his heart in mock hurt,

"Maybe they were the decoy" Emily shrugged from the kitchen,

"Eugh!" Jake threw his hands up and ran out the door, that's when I burst out laughing rolling around under the table,

"Phew! That was pretty close" I sighed still lying under the table,

"What did you do?" Emily asked placing cookies on the table,

"Pushed him into the water, from atop of the cliff" I shrugged grabbing cookie,

"Hmm, that hapens all the time to him" Emily spoke, mostly to herself,

"Hey where's this Paul? I have yet to meet him" I asked Sam,

"Still sleeping" he shrugged but then looked at me, I had an evil smirk on my face and before Sam could say anything I ran off to the rooms and opened each one and found a big lump in one of them, Jared and Embry were coming up behind me so before they could stop me I ran and Jumped on the body, it in turn jumped in shock and his eyes flew open, beautiful brown eyes,

"Wha-" he looked at me and we were just sitting there, me awkwardly stradling him and he just staring back,

"Ooooh! Someone, or two just imprinted!" Embry gooed loudly from the door,

I snapped out of the trance but Paul didn't and he brought my face to his slamming his lips down on mine, sparks ignited my body and I felt my eyes flutter closed, when he pulled away for air I opened my eyes again to look at him, he was hot! I mean Jareds hot but Paul, whole nother level,

"Looks like your dates cancelled" Embry nudged Jared, he just smiled goofily,

"You're beautiful" Paul whispered in my ear, I blushed,

"Rosaline Cathering Black!" Jacob was back.

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