Chapter Forty-Six

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A/N: Quick update for being evil after leaving you hanging at the end of the last chapter ;)

Gabe slowly turned to look where I was pointing and smiled. "That is the looking wall," he said. "Pretty, isn't it?"

"More like an addiction." We must have come through the portal and exited there. That's why the water... my light—or Gabe's Glory—had dried too quickly for me to have noticed.

The smell, so fresh it felt like ocean water spraying my face, brought saliva to my mouth and salt to my tongue before coating my throat. The clearest blue trickled down the wall like a lullaby to my ears. Even if I was blind, I could hear its beauty, taste its exquisite but foreign perfection.

Looking back to Gabe, I realized how lost I was to him. To have been so focused none of my senses had strayed... I blinked and then laughed. It was ridiculous now, but there had been a time when the idea of David being anyone but the boy I fell in love with had been scary. Like I wouldn't be able to love him any other way.

Gabe narrowed his eyes, worry creasing his brow. "Are you okay?" He pointed to the floor. "I'm sorry if—I would never ask you to do anything you didn't want to do."

"Oh, trust me, that isn't a problem." I crawled over to sit in his lap, tangling my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. Our foreheads touched, and his hands found my hips. "I love the idea of sinning in Heaven with you."

He shook his head, a small smile that wasn't quite a laugh curving his mouth up before he moved his head to kiss my cheek. I turned quickly so he would find my lips instead. Pulling back, I paused, and then kissed him once more. I scrambled to my feet before he could stop me and stepped closer to the wall.

Gabe blinked and then followed me, coming up from behind so that he could wrap his arms around my waist. I leaned back and sighed, enjoying the moment. The connection between us never faltered. If anything, it felt stronger, like everything we'd been through apart had prepared us to be even better together. With everything I had been given—mostly hardships rather than niceties, except for being able to help others and do magic—it finally felt like I'd earned something I actually wanted.

"So, how does it work?" I asked, turning my head to the side to look back at Gabe and still be able to see the wall.

"What?" Gabe asked, keeping his eyes forward.

"That. The... What did you call it? A crystal ball?"

The vibration of laughter in his chest felt like a massage against my back, feather-light but knee-weakening. "The looking wall," he said, and squeezed me gently until my hands held his forearms. "It allows us to watch whenever we choose."


He shrugged. "We can see the first floor—the field of cloud you were in."

"Oh, the in-between." I nodded like I knew what we were discussing, but we both understood I didn't have a clue.

"We can also see the Mortal Realm, people we want to watch over, and those of our kind that we supervise."

"So pretty much you can see everything." I laughed, but then sobered, sucking in a deep breath as an idea formed. Hesitantly, not at all sure I wanted the answer after seeing how things seemed to be when I was with Renalda, I asked, "Can you show me my parents?"

"I—no." He shook his head and I could feel his posture slump slightly. "I don't have a close enough connection with them, I'm sorry."

I concentrated solely on the wall again, not because I didn't want to look at Gabe, but I was worried my neck was going to get a cramp from straining it too far for too long. "But you have one with me, and I'm connected with them."

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