O| Bill // One night

757 15 7

word count: 1691

It was early in the morning. you were quietly getting dressed to get away from your one night stand. You hated the awkward morning after, so you decided to just go. For a moment you watched the handsome redhead you fucked yesterday. He had approached you in the club and one thing led to another. Before you knew it you were having the most amazing sex of your life. You didn't know his name tho. you grabbed your bag and quietly left through the front door of his hotel room.

This year was your last year of hogwarts, you were looking forward to ot the whole summer. living with just your alcoholic dad, you couldn't wait to be back inside the walls of the warm castle. because of family problems you couldn't go to school for 2 years, so you were a bit older than your classmates, but you didn't mind

yawning you went into the gryffindor common room, here everyone was chatting. Most of your friends graduated last year unfortunately, so you were determined to make some knew friends. You didnt know exactly who to talk to. scanning your eyes around the room you recognized the kids in your year. You were friendly with most of them, but never really established a friendship.

"hey L/n" you turned around, seeing Fred and George weasley.

"Hey boys," you smiled. "How was your summer?"

"it was great," Fred said. "But it's good to be back." George added.

you nodded, "did you have breakfast yet?"

"no net yet" they both said in unison. you chuckled at their energy and scanned their faces. They were most likely up to something.

"Mind if I sit with you?" you asked. "Most of my friends graduated." you added, smiling.

"not at all Y/n"


The first few months of school flew past in what felt like days, hanging around with Fred and George was amazing. They were planning to open a prank shop after graduation and they loved asking you for advice. It came to having you design the front of the shop for them. They quickly grew very fond of you and you hung out with them every day.

"Morning boys" you sat down next to them in the common room. "Morning L/n, are you excited for Christmas break?"

you chuckled, "I guess, I'll mostly just be studying"

"studying? are you not going home?" Fred asked.

"I prefer spending my Christmas without empty beer cans and shattered glass." you said somewhat jokingly.

"Feel you, would be a lot better if the cans weren't empty" Fred said, chuckling. You smiled "only if you guys are there too." you said ruffling their hair.

"well why not?" they said in unison.


"why don't you come with us? we'd hate for you to be alone." Fred said cheerfully.

"oh no boys, I couldn't possibly intrude." you said.

"nonsense, besides our mom would scold us if we left you here." George said.

"are you sure?"

"of course, but we do have one rule" Fred said. "yes, you can't fall in love with us" George added

you laughed, "I'll manage"

"and no funny business with our brothers either, I don't want that image in my head now thank you."

"well if that's everything," you said. chuckling, you didn't know any of their brothers, except percy.

"so we have a deal?" George asked.
"Yea, deal" you chuckled.

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