O | Bill // Let Me Help

194 5 3

Bill x Reader
Word count: 2060

Life wasn't exactly easy since you found out you were a witch. Your entire life you felt you were different from others and now you finally knew why.

Strange things always happened to you and when you were 11 years old you had gotten a letter. An acceptance letter for Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

At first you thought it was a prank. When you realised it was in fact not a prank you were fairly shocked.

At first your parents didn't want you to go. They were a bit sceptic about all of this, but eventually they supported you.

You were really excited to go to hogwarts, that was until you met your fellow students. You quickly learned what a mudblood was, and you were one of them. It made you feel alone at times, all your life you had felt you were different. You thought this was your time to finally fit in, but you were still unlike most others.

You also had trouble making friends because you were quite shy, your fear of rejection always getting the better of you.

To compensate for being a muggle-born you studied like crazy, always alone in the library, struggling to do your homework.

Now you're in your sixth year and you have a couple of friends, but after all these years you prefer being alone, because you don't feel you have a real connection with any of them.

You were quietly reading in your dorm when your roommates came in loudly chatting and squealing, you had no idea what they were talking about and they were giving you a headache.

You sighed and closed your book, there was no way you were gonna be able to read like this. You took a look at the clock to see it was past curfew already and frowned.

You had never gone out past curfew before, afraid you'd get caught and get in trouble, but the girls in your dorm weren't planning an being quiet anytime soon so you decided to take the risk anyway. You got up and left, without any of the girls noticing.

you tiptoed through the halls with your book clutched under your arm, your heart pounding in your chest.

The castle was dark and cold and you could hear some of the portraits snoring. The stone floor was clacking underneath your shoes and you tried to see where you were going.

You didn't wanna risk getting caught because of the light coming from your wand, so you walked with one hand in front of you to make sure you wouldn't hit a wall.

When you finally reached the library you quietly opened the door and shut it behind you. You released the breath you were holding and smiled. It was so calm and quiet in here.

"Lumos" you whispered, and you found yourself a seat. You started reading again with your wand as a reading light.

You stayed there for what felt like half an hour, but was actually 3 hours and when you noticed it was 1.30 a.m. already you audibly gasped, immediately shutting your book.

You got up and put put your wand when you got back into the hallway, you snuck back to the common room with your heart pounding even more than before.

Luckily you got back without getting caught, getting in bed quietly so you wouldn't wake the others. You put your book on your nightstand and hugged your pillow tight before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning you were tired, you had barely slept and needed to wake up early to get ready for classes.

Your hair was a mess and you had dark circles around your eyes, you didn't even get to take of your makeup last night.

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