O | George // Not like them // Pt:1

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Word Count: 3562 :)

"Y/n, come on!" Draco yelled, trying to get you to walk faster.

You groaned, you didn't understand the sudden hurry, father was gone off somewhere and you and your brother needed to leave.

You looked around at all the tents and partying people when you stopped in your tracks. The Weasleys, from earlier, were seated in that tent.

"Fine, suit yourself, I'm leaving!" Draco said. He turned around and started running, trying not to run into any people or tents.

You sighed, strolling forward. You looked back at the Weasley's tent. You wished you had a family like theirs sometimes.

You wished your dad wouldn't yell at you so much, and your brother wouldn't be such a stuck up bitch.

You suddenly heard a loud bang, followed by screaming. You jumped, looking around to see what was happening. People started running.

Your heart started beating faster as you tried to make a run for it aswell, getting pushed around by some people. eventually falling to the ground.

You screamed covering your head as you felt people walk all over you.

You suddenly felt a firm hand, grab your arm and lift you up. It snatched you by your waist and supported you while running.

Your hair was full of dirt and your clothes were covered in mud. Your eyebrow and knees were bleeding. But you kept running as fast as you could, not even thinking to look were you were going, or who you were going with.

not until you were at the bottom of a hill at least. The boy who helped you fell to the ground, panting heavily. You heard voices behind you.

"George! what the hell, are you alright?"

You looked up the hill to see a red headed boy running down.

For the first time you looked at the guy who saved you and realised it was George Weasley.

Your breath hitched, immediately feeling uncomfortable you were being seen like this. You tried to comb through your hair with your finger.

"Yeah, Fred I'm alright." George coughed, looking up at his brother. "how's Ginny?"

"Why the hell would you go back!?" Fred shouted, ignoring George's question, he had obviously been worried.

George scratched his head, his arm was bruised. "I went back to get her." He motioned towards you.

You gulped, as Fred realised you were there. He shot you a glare. "Well congratulations George, you almost died for a Malfoy."

Fred turned around, he was pissed off, walking back to his sister, who was sitting behind a portkey.

You bit your lip, immediately tasting blood. You felt George looking at you, but kept staring at the ground. You couldn't believe George actually went back to help you. Especially after everything your father had said to them.

Your face turned red in embarrassment as George finally stood up. "Are you okay, you're bleeding." He cupped your cheek, looking the cut on your eyebrow. "We should get that cleaned up."

Your breath hitched as George studied your face, you felt shame for the way you treated him and his family. "t-thank you." you muttered.

George nodded, he let go of your face and motioned for you to come with him. You walked behind him, now fully feeling the pain in your legs.

When you got to the top you saw Fred and Ginny waiting for George. "Let's go." Fred said.

You gulped, you didn't really want to go with them. You didn't want to face Molly or Arthur. George grabbed your hand.

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