O | Fred // Invisible

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Fred weasley x Non Gryffindor reader

Word count: 2838

Dinner in the great hall always came with loud chatter and you would often feel left out. You didn't have many friends, just a few scattered along different houses and your one best friend, well she was in the hospital wing.

You thought about visiting her later when someone touched your shoulder. "Aren't you eating?"

You looked over to see a girl from your year. You had talked to her before, you believed her name was Amy.

"You're worried about Jennifer, aren't you?"

You nodded.

They had found Jennifer unconscious in the forest, she would often go there. This time she got in trouble and ended up in the hospital wing. She didn't remember what happened, but she had some nasty scratches on her back. She had to stay in a hospital bed for a couple weeks and would face alot of detention after that.

You hoped it would stop her from going in to the forest from now on.

"She'll be alright you know, but you won't if you don't eat."

You reluctantly took the plate she gave you with some chicken on it and a salad and began eating.

Amy turned back to her friends and you looked around the great hall, studying people like you always did. You noticed the Gryffindor table wasn't as loud as it used to be.

You stopped to look at George who was standing on a table, doing something stupid again and realised Fred wasn't anywhere to be found. You shrugged and went on with eating your meal

Students started leaving the great hall and heading back to the common rooms, you headed over to the hospital wing to check on Jennifer.

When you opened the door you could hear her talking to someone.

She looked up when you entered, "Y/n!" she smiled patting her bed for you to take a seat.

You met another pair of eyes across the room. It was Fred. "Hi." he mumbled.

"I was wondering where you were during dinner," you said. "What happened?"

"Quidditch practice, took a bludger to the head." replied

you grimaced. "ouch"

"Yea," he mumbled. "wait do I know you?"

you chuckled, "Probably not." you said. looking at his confused frown. He shifted his position.

"Well how do you know me?"

"You're quite loud," you said. You looked away and he chuckled. "Oh and we used to have potions together."

Fred laughed, "No we didn't, I would've noticed you. You're messing with me."

Jennifer looked at you and chuckled. "She's not, we all had potions together."

Fred looked dumbfounded and quieted down. Madam Pomfrey walked by him to give him some medicine and you switched your attention to Jennifer and chatted with her about your day.

She was obviously bored, but admitted it was nice Fred was here so she wouldn't be all alone.

When visiting hours were over you quietly walked back to your dorms and went to sleep.

The next morning you woke up early and got ready to attend your classes. You felt tired and was dreading a long day without jennifer by your side.

Every lesson was so boring without someone to talk to, especially with everyone around you all deep in conversation. You almost felt invisible.

You thought about how Fred didn't even recognise you, even tho you had had potions with him for 4 years at least.

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