O | George // Not Like Them // Pt2

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With George as your friend it didn't really get easier. The only way to see eachother was at night, when everyone was asleep. Your sleep schedule was messed up and whatever it was you felt for George was growing.

Whenever you would meet, you would talk for hours about anything and everything. He would put his arm around you and you would put your head on his shoulder.

You both knew whatever it was between the two of you, would never work in the real world. So you didn't talk about it, about any of it.

So you wrote in your diary everytime you saw him. It was really hurting you, not being able to express your feelings to him.

Your friends could feel something was wrong, they were suspicious off were you were headed all the time at night.

You really needed George, especially on bad days he could make you feel like everything was going to be allright, but you knew it was wrong.

After a few months of meeting in secret, you barely saw eachother anymore. You were both busy and had both given up hope. There were only glances accross the room, followed by quickly looking the other way.

After the Yule ball, He had taken a gryffindor girl and danced with her all night, you had felt so jealous, even though you had a different date too.

You really wished he would've asked you. You would've said no, but it still would've been nice.

"You know, I hate starting on monday with charms." Lavinia huffed, putting on her robes. Her bed was right next to yours.

"Same here," you mumbled. "The class sucks, our classmates suck, I just hate it." You were brushing through your hair, you had just showered yesterday, so it looked really shiny.

Lavinia nodded. "If I have to deal with another one of those weasley twins pranks at this hour on monday I am going to kill them." She said, you chuckled softly.

Another reminder of why I shouldn't talk to George in public.

"I feel bad for you, you had to spend an entire evening there."

You put your hair brush down and sat down on your bed. "It really wasn't that bad, they were really kind to me."

"Well kindness isn't everything, I bet they smell bad."

You gave her a look, but she didn't notice. You weren't gonna tell her they don't, there was no use.

"What? are you seriously gonna be like this, just because George helped you a bit."

"He basically saved my life, who knows what could've happened to me." you answered.

"You could've saved yourself, you don't need saving. Not from a weasley at least." Lavinia said, she was a little annoyed with you. She just wanted to gossip a little and you ruined the mood.

You scoffed. "You don't even know them."

"And you do?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. "You've been there for one evening, you don't know them any better than I do."

You gulped, you wanted to yell at her that George was a better friend to you in every way, but you would turn your whole house against you in a split second.

"Or do you?" She asked, when she saw you looking away.

She snatched your diary from your nightstand. "what have you been scribbling in here anyway."

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