O | George // I told you

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Word count: 2306

It was a pretty boring day, you were sitting on the couch in the common room reading a book. Your hair was loose and you were in your robes.

You were pretty tired after all the classes you had today and you were glad you finally had some time for yourself.

That was until the Weasley twins bursted into the room, bringing alot of noise with them. When they noticed you they sat down next to you. You sighed.

George put his arm around you. "Reading something, love?"

"No just looks like it." You said, your voice laced with annoyance. You put your book away and looked between both Fred and George. Fred was sitting with his hands in his lap and George gave you a wink.

You rolled your eyes, though you felt a blush creeping on your cheeks. "Any reason why you're disrupting my peace, boys?" You asked. You could feel they were up to something.

"We just wanted to know how our favorite lookout was doing." Fred said. George nodded.

You sighed. "What are you two up to now?"

Fred and George both had that mischievous twinkle in their eyes and you motioned for them to talk.

"So yesterday..." George started, pulling you a little closer.

"...We got caught pranking a first year." Fred scratched the back of his head while you rolled your eyes again. "Filch took some of our stuff."

"And you want to get it back?" You asked. You weren't surprised, ofcourse they were gonna bother you during your only time of peace and quiet.

George smiled. "That's why I like you so much, you get us." He said. "Now we were hoping you could help us with that." He added, while shamelessly checking you out.

George had had a crush on you for over a year now, he would always flirt with you. Everyone knew it, no one thought he would actually succeed. Still he always kept trying, continuously telling Fred he'd make you his one day.

Heat rushed to your cheeks again, but you looked away trying to hide it. You would rather die than admit George Weasley was making you blush. "What do I get out of it?" You asked. Making George smirk all of a sudden, he looked at Fred.

"A date, with me." George said.

He winked at you again and you laughed. "This still only benefits you, what's in it for me"

"Don't deny it, gorgeous." George said. "I see the way you look at me."

Your breath hitched for a moment, but you collected yourself. "George, not to be rude, but I wouldn't be caught dead on a date with you." You removed his arm from your shoulders.

"Ouch." George said. "But fine, we'll owe you one Y/n, you can ask us for a favor in return anytime."

"any favor?"

Fred and George looked at eachother, thinking it over for a moment. "Any favor." They said in unison.

"Great, it's a deal."

"Fred, George, Hurry up." you were waiting on them while they were rummaging through stuff in Filch's office.

You regretted going with them, getting annoyed at how long they were taking inside. You repeatedly looked at your watch.

It was around 5 p.m. and the castle was pretty empty, especially this side of the castle. Most people were in the great hall or common room right now. You wish you would've just stayed on that couch.

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