O | Draco // Involved

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Draco x reader

I'm probably gonna make this 2 or 3 parts :)



You looked up to see Pansy in the door opening, it was Saturday morning and you had barely slept, you had gotten in a huge fight with your boyfriend Draco last night and you felt really lost.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" She asked looking at your puffy eyes. You sighed as you stared at the ceiling. She walked closer, studying your face. You had hair plastered to your cheeks and bags under your eyes

"I really don't feel like talking about it." You answered, hoping she would leave you alone.

"Allright," Pansy said, quietly sitting down on your bed, she stroked the fabric with her fingers, "that's fine."

She kept quiet for a few seconds unsure of what to say when she sighed, "I know something happened with Draco and if you don't want to talk about it I get it, but at least get out of bed, come with me to hogsmeade."

You closed your eyes, you knew Pansy wasn't gonna leave until you said you'd go with her, but you really didn't feel like seeing Draco, you were quite angry with him. "Do I have to?"

Pansy stood up, "yes, you've been rotting in bed all morning, way to let Draco know he has power over you!"

"He does not have power over me."

"Well then why do you let a little argument get you down like this," she asked, leaning on your bed frame.

You shook your head, "It wasn't a little argument, I think we might break up." You sighed, your words piercing your heart as they fell off your tongue.

"That bad?"

You nodded, "But you're right, I need to get out of bed." You said, pulling the covers off of you. "But can't we stay in? it's freezing cold outside."

"Come on, we'll have fun and you wont have to think about Draco for the entire day alright?" Pansy said, impatiently.

"Fine I'll go"


"So how about we go shopping first and then we get a butterbeer when we're done?" Pansy asked when you were halfway to hogsmeade. You hadn't said a word yet and had been lost in your thoughts.

You looked up, "That's sound great." You said, seriously lacking enthusiasm and Pansy looked at you, while you averted your eyes back to the ground

"I saw they had some new stuff a-"

"You know he's just been acting so strange." You blurted out.

Pansy stopped and gave you a look, "Oh we're doing this?" She asked, "You want to talk about Draco."

You looked at Pansy, her eyebrows were raised.

"Well go on then." She said.

You sighed, "Lately it's been like he's a different person." You said, thinking back on all the different fights you've had over the last few months.

"What did you mean by that?" Pansy asked.

"He's been very closed, barely talks to me and it feels like he's keeping something from me." You said, "He's barely around his friends anymore and I have no idea where he's been going."

Pansy frowned, "That's strange, have you tried following him?"

You nodded. "As bad as it sounds, I have." You admitted. "Twice actually, but somehow I always lose him, it's like he just vanishes."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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