Chapter 1

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Today was going to be good. He just knew it. Mostly because detective Danny Reagan finally had enough evidence to get a warrant for Marco Roman. Marco was responsible for the murders of two whole families, and with him having to work with his sister, assistant district attorney Erin Reagan, he was happy to finally be able to lock him up. Working on the case with her had led to its problems, but in the end, they were family and they were both on the same side even if it didn't seem like it. He kissed his wife Linda, his sons Jack and Sean and left the house. He got into his car and turned on the engine when his cell phone began to ring.

"Reagan," he answered, but no one replied, "hello?" Still nothing. Just then, a dark a mysterious voice was heard over the speaker.

"Is this first grade detective Danny Reagan?" it said.

"Who is this?" Danny asked.

"You'll know soon," was the only answer he received before the line went dead. Danny sat there staring at his phone in question. The last statement left him alarmed, and he knew for sure that it meant nothing good. But he needed to keep his priorities straight, and he made his way over to his precinct to clock in and arrest Marco Roman.

The streets of New York City were clustered and congested, and soon Danny found himself a part of the crowd of people walking the streets. He was out on patrol with his partner, Maria Baez looking for their suspect hoping to catch him, and if he were doing something illegal, it would be a bonus and another charge that Danny could add to the list. But so far they were unlucky.

"You got eyes on him partner?" Danny asked sounding slightly frustrated. He wanted to get this scumbag off the street before anyone else got hurt.

"Negative," she said over the radio. Just then he saw a man with a dark hoodie covering his head continuously looking around him. When the man turned to see if there was anyone behind him, Danny saw his face and his instincts kicked in. It was Marco Roman.

"I got eyes on the subject," he reported over the radio. He began to follow him as Baez said that she would cut him off. She began to cross the street in the direction of Marco when a cab nearly plowed her down.

"Hey watch it!" the cab driver shouted.

"Watch where you're going!" Baez yelled back which sadly caught the attention of their bad guy. Marco turned to see Danny tailing him and decided to try and make a run for it. Danny began to chase after him calling out for him to stop and shouting "Police!" But that didn't work. Eventually Baez was able to cut him off which allowed Danny a chance to tackle him.

"Hope you enjoyed the work out jack ass," Danny cleverly said, "'cause you'll be sitting in a cell for a while." He pulled his handcuffs out from his back pocket, placed them on Marco's wrists, and forcefully pulled him onto his feet and walked him over to their car.

Within minutes they reached the precinct and Danny had booked him and handed him over to be put into holding. He was walking back over to his desk when a fellow detective approached him with a file in his hand.

"Here's that information you wanted Danny," the detective said handing him the sheet.

"Thanks," Danny said taking it out of the man's hand. He looked down at the paper in question. He had someone look into the mysterious phone call that he got that morning, and turns out it came from a disposable cell phone. What kind of person with access to a disposable cell phone would be able to find his cell phone number? This was not good. Just then his thoughts were interrupted when his sister walked out of the small corner office that she had been operating in for the case.

"I see you've booked Marco Roman," she said standing in the office doorway.

"Yup," he answered simply, "finally putting that dirt bag behind bars."

"Good," she said, and before walking into the office again she turned to her brother and said, "hey. We good?"

"Yeah we're good," Danny said. Just then a loud boom was heard and the whole building shook. It was like there was and earthquake below the precinct.

"What was that?" Erin asked grasping the frame of the door.

"I don't know," Danny said, "stay back." Erin went back into her office to call someone as Danny began to make his way towards the noise. His footsteps were steady and careful and his hand was placed on top of his gun, ready to grab it if he needed to. Suddenly, another boom echoed through the building and as Erin ducked underneath her desk, Danny was thrown back and knocked to the ground. There was a ringing in his ears that soon disappeared and he felt like he was being pinned to the ground. Soon everything went black.


Meanwhile, in One Police Plaza, police commissioner Frank Reagan was busy going through his schedule with officer Abigail Baker, listening as she read out his itinerary and telling her anything he wanted fixed. Just then his DCPI Garrett Moore rushed into his office without knocking. Whenever someone walked into one of Frank's meetings the way Garrett had just done, it never meant anything good.

"Sorry to interrupt but we have an emergency," he said. Frank stopped what he was doing and sat there looking at his DCPI knowing deep down that this was going to hit close to home.

"What's wrong?" Frank asked in a very calm and monotone voice.

"There's been an explosion," he explained taking a deep breath before he continued, "someone set two bombs off in the 54th precinct. Danny and Erin were still inside when they went off." Frank froze. His kids were inside a blown up building and there was no telling whether or not they survived the blast.

"Get my car ready," he ordered getting out of his seat and grabbing his coat, "I want all available units, fire marshals and a bus to the precinct forth with." He marched out of the office over to the elevator with his people following close behind and all he could do was hope that his children were alive.

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