gas stations are always trouble

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Nalana: " I honestly don't know exactly what happened after we got back onto the road ' but my eyes snapped open when I heard noise around me so I sat up in my seat and there we were parked at a gas station, I guess I at some point didn't wanna drive anymore I just couldn't remember anything so I looked around me and I saw dean outside pumping gas . Then I saw Spencer and ash they were just coming out of the bathroom but where was duke?? And then I saw him he was at the cash register paying so I decided now would be a good time to get out and stretch before we continue on to Vegas. "

Ash: " oh she's awake I say pointing to nalana as she gets out of the car , "

Nalana: " I stretch my arms above my head and yawn ' that was definitely not comfortable sleeping like that I say as I turn to ash " .

Ash: " well I didn't put you in that position Raoul did ' he said something about you needing blood flow to you're brain " 

Nalana: " he's so weird ' when he's high I chuckle " .

Ash: " yep most definitely and I laugh with her " .

Nalana: " ok well why don't you get Spencer and Dean and I'll get duke since he's still in the store "

Ash: " ok yeah '"


Nalana: " I leave ash to do that then I walk into the store ' and I see duke he's over there bambling on about something the cashier person looks completely confused and I laugh then I walk up to them " . 

Raoul: " so you know anything about the pH of cognitive mindset ' you know when you take drugs and it enters the body and then it ' I'm cut off by a hand intercepting in front of me then I look at who it was and I backed away I was probably scaring the person I was paying to death "

Nalana: " as I'm getting out my wallet ' I see the cashier person pull something out and when it registers to me, I realize it's a gun so I freeze and duke stops talking I think he noticed the gun to  I just gulped nervously " .

Raoul: " excuse me  but can you drop the gun please it makes me nervous I don't like weapons being pointed at me " .

Cashier: " shut up and hand over you're money if not my buddy out back is gonna take you someplace else and he's gonna kill you "

Nalana:  " I hand over my wallet to him tossing it  ' then I look at duke signaling him to do the same " .

Raoul: " I don't think I want to do this " I then make a quick move and throw my the rest of the cocaine I had on the ready into his face then I go to grab nalana but I look behind me and she's down on the floor with her nose bleeding ' instead of what I pictured I'd do in my head I just gave the guy my money also then I stepped back still with my hands up . "

Nalana: " can you let us go now I say as I hold my nose so it'll stop bleeding "

Robber: " nope it's time to die "

Nalana: " I close my eyes real tight expecting to die but nothing happens instead we just hear a loud boom and I'm being pulled up off the floor by duke and we run out of the store ' and we load into the car as fast we can with dean and ash and Raoul drives off down the road . I didn't have time to even process anything 'but I heard crying so I looked back at ash she was all heart broken over something and I just looked at Dean completely lost "

Dean: " Spencer's dead guys he's the one who saved ya'll ' he had this whole plan to distract the robbers and then they just shot him when ya'll ran out of the station " .

Nalana: " but why would he "

Dean: " he wanted to save ya'll or else that guy probably would of killed you both " .

Raoul: " Spencer was a good guy it's a shame he had to die but I'll honor him by writing him into my book cheers to Spencer "

All of them: " cheers to Spencer " .

Raoul: " And that's why you never stop at gas stations in the middle of nowhere 'especially on the coast of Mexico and then we were off to Vegas like we originally planned , but  I had to admit i was gonna miss Spencer though he was an ungodly force of nature' and at the same time he was also afraid of water and electricity a strange human indeed but undoubtedly one of the best you'd be lucky enough to know " .

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